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Honeywell Total Connect Comfort
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Useful Honeywell Total Connect Comfort and MIYO integrations
Triggers (If this)
Irrigation has started
This trigger fires if irrigation for an irrigation area has started
Irrigation has stopped
This trigger fires if irrigation has stopped for given irrigation area
Soil is dry
This trigger fires if soil is dry for given irrigation area compared to your moisture borders
Soil is wet
This trigger fires if soil is wet enough for given irrigation area compared to your moisture borders
Queries (With)
History of irrigation has started
This query returns a list of when irrigation for an area has started.
History of dry soil
This query returns a list of when soil was dry for given irrigation area compared to your moisture borders
History of irrigation stops
This query returns a list of if irrigation was stopped for given irrigation area
Actions (Then that)
Start irrigation
This action will start irrigation for the given irrigation area.
Set temperature to a permanent hold
This Action will set your Honeywell thermostat to permanently hold the specified temperature until you change it.
Stop irrigation
This action will stop irrigation for the given irrigation area.
Set temperature for a period of time
This Action will set your Honeywell thermostat to hold a temperature for a specified period of time. The schedule will resume when the time expires.
Activate automode
This action will activate automatic irrigation for the given irrigation area.
Resume programmed schedule
This Action will set your Honeywell thermostat to resume the currently defined thermostat programmed schedule.
Deactivate automode
This action will deactivate automatic irrigation for given irrigation area until it is activated again. E.g. if you have a garden party you can deactivate sprinklers using this action.
Set fan to on or auto
This Action will set the Honeywell thermostat fan to On where the fan is always on or Auto where the fan runs only when the heating or cooling system is on.
Send rain detected notification
This action will notify MIYO if it is raining or not. This action can be used to integrate existing rain sensors into your irrigation system.
Firmware update
This action will check and install updates to your cube.
Automower status
The irrigation should not start as long as the automower is still mowing. To handle this situation, MIYO can be informed if the automower has started or finished mowing.
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