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Quickly connect Hubitat to WIFIPLUG
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Other popular Hubitat workflows and automations
Change Hubitat's mode when Flic is clicked
Email me when the temperature of a Hubitat device drops below threshold
Arm Blink when Hubitat's mode changes
If Number 96 turns on, then Switch on Number 97
If Roomba Gets Stuck Turn Off a Hubitat Device
Turn off a Hubitat device when Scout Alarm is dismissed
Close a Hubitat shut-off valve when a Wireless Tag detects water
Disarm Arlo when Hubitat's mode changes
Change Hubitat's mode from your mobile device
Useful Hubitat and WIFIPLUG integrations
Triggers (If this)
Device closes
This trigger fires when your Hubitat device closes.
Switched on
This Trigger fires every time your WIFIPLUG is turned on.
Device opens
This trigger fires when your Hubitat device opens.
Switched off
This Trigger fires every time your WIFIPLUG is turned off.
Device turns off
This trigger fires when your Hubitat device turns off.
Device turns on
This trigger fires when your Hubitat device turns on.
Mode changes
This trigger fires when the Hubitat mode changes.
Motion is detected
This trigger fires when new motion is detected.
Motion is no longer detected
This trigger fires when motion is no longer detected.
Presence is detected
This trigger fires every time your Hubitat device's presence is detected.
Presence is no longer detected
This trigger fires every time your Hubitat device's presence is no longer detected.
Temperature drops below
This trigger fires every time the temperature drops below the specified threshold.
Temperature rises above
This trigger fires every time the temperature rises above the specified threshold.
Water is detected
This trigger fires every time your Hubitat device detects water.
Water is no longer detected
This trigger fires every time your Hubitat device no longer detects water.
Queries (With)
Recent history of device opens
This query returns a list of recent times when your Habitat device opened.
History of switched turned on
This query returns a list of when your WIFIPLUG was turned on.
History of Mode changes
This query returns a list of when the Hubitat mode has changed.
History of Device turned off
This query returns a list of when your Hubitat device turned off.
Recent history of Device turns on
This query returns a list of recent Hubitat device turns on events.
History of temperature rises above
This query returns a list of when the temperature rises above the specified threshold. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
Actions (Then that)
Change Mode
This action will change Hubitat's mode.
Turn on
This Action will turn a WIFIPLUG on. If the WIFIPLUG is already on, it will remain on.
Close a device
This action will close a Hubitat device.
Turn off
This Action will turn a WIFIPLUG off. If the WIFIPLUG is already off, it will remain off.
Dim a device
This action will change a device's dimmer level.
This Action will flicker a WIFIPLUG. i.e. turn off and back on (if on) or turn on and back off (if off).
Lock a device
This action will lock a Hubitat device.
Open a device
This action will open a Hubitat device.
Turn off a device
This action will turn off your Hubitat switches, lights, sirens, strobes, etc.
Turn on a device
This Action will turn on a device attached to your Hubitat Elevation system.
Unlock a device
This action will unlock a Hubitat device.
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