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Antifurto365 iALARM-MK
United Nations
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Other popular Antifurto365 iALARM-MK workflows and automations
Inserisci allarme "TOTALE" con la voce (tramite iOS Shortcuts e Siri)
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Disattiva allarme con la voce (tramite iOS Shortcuts e Siri)
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Inserisci allarme "IN CASA" con Button widget
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Inserisci allarme "IN CASA" con la voce (tramite iOS Shortcuts e Siri)
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Inserisci allarme "TOTALE" quando esci da casa
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Inserisci allarme "TOTALE" quando esci da casa (android)
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Inserisci allarme "IN CASA" con la voce (tramite Google Assistant V2)
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Disattiva allarme con Button widget
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Disattiva allarme "TOTALE" quando torni a casa
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Useful Antifurto365 iALARM-MK and United Nations integrations
Triggers (If this)
New post from United Nations News in "Peace & Security"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Peace & Security".
Trigger Inserimento Allarme Totale
Trigger generato quando viene inserito l'allarme totale sulla centralina selezionata.
New post from United Nations News in "Sustainable Development Goals"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Sustainable Development Goals".
Trigger Inserimento Allarme In Casa
Questo trigger viene generato quando viene inserito l'allarme in modalità parziale in casa sulla centralina selezionata
New post from United Nations News in "Top Stories"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Top Stories".
Trigger Disattivazione Allarme
Questo trigger viene generato quando viene disinserito l'allarme sulla centralina selezionata
New post from United Nations News in "Europe"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Europe".
Trigger Centralina In Allarme
Questo trigger viene generato quando la centralina selezionata è in allarme
New post from United Nations News in "Middle East"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Middle East".
New post from United Nations News in "Migrants & Refugees"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Migrants & Refugees".
New post from United Nations News in "Africa"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Africa".
New post from United Nations News in "Economic Development"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Economic Development".
New post from United Nations News in "Climate Change"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Climate Change".
New post from United Nations News in "Humanitarian Aid"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Humanitarian Aid".
New post from United Nations News in "Human Rights"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Human Rights".
New post from United Nations News in "Law & Crime Prevention"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Law & Crime Prevention".
New post from United Nations News in "UN Affairs"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "UN Affairs".
New post from United Nations News in "Health"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Health".
New post from United Nations News in "Asia Pacific"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Asia Pacific".
New post from United Nations News in "Americas"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from United Nations News in "Americas".
Queries (With)
Questa query riporta lo stato della centralina di allarme selezionata.
Actions (Then that)
Inserimento Allarme Totale
Inserire l'allarme totale quando si esce
Inserimento Allarme In Casa
Inserire l'allarme parziale in casa
Disattivazione Allarme
Spegnere l'allarme
Bypass Zona
Esclude temporaneamente la zona selezionata
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