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Quickly connect Invoxia Triby to PAVLOK
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Invoxia Triby
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular Invoxia Triby workflows and automations
Start a timer on Triby when you press your pre-selected button
Invoxia Triby
Display tweets mentioning me on Triby
Get a recurrent notification on Triby
Invoxia Triby
Start your 7-minute workout session by pressing your pre-selected button on Triby
Invoxia Triby
Toggle your Hue lights on/off using a pre-selected button on your Triby
Invoxia Triby
Wake up with music on Triby
Invoxia Triby
Get your next appointment on Triby IO
Get assigned GitHub issues using a message on your Triby
Invoxia Triby
Start brewing your coffee using a pre-selected button on your Triby
Invoxia Triby
Useful Invoxia Triby and PAVLOK integrations
Triggers (If this)
On button pressed
This trigger fires when you press a given button on your Triby IO.
Actions (Then that)
Send a message to specified Triby IO
This Action will send a given message to a Triby IO you specify.
This Action will vibrate your Pavlok.
Send a message to every Triby IO
This Action will send a given message to a every Triby IO you own.
This Action will give you a mild zap from your Pavlok.
Send an image to specified Triby IO
This action will send an image to a Triby IO you specify.
This Action will give you an adjustable beep from your Pavlok.
Send an image to every Triby IO
This action will send an image to every Triby IO you own.
This Action will turn on your Pavlok LED's
Start a timer on specified Triby IO
This action will start a timer for a given duration on a Triby IO you specify.
Play preset media on specified Triby IO
This action will play a media among those already preset on a button, on a Triby IO you specify.
Play media URL on specified Triby IO
This action will play a provided media URL, on a Triby IO you specify.
Stop playing media on specified Triby IO
This action will stop all playing media, on a Triby IO you specify.
Start a call from specified Triby IO
This action will make a call to a given user in your group, from a Triby IO you specify.
Start an intercom call from specified Triby IO
This action will make an intercom call to an other Triby of your group, from a Triby IO you specify.
[Advanced] Execute a script on specified Triby IO
This action will execute a script on a Triby IO you specify (advanced use, read the documentation available at www.invoxia.com/developers for more information).
Send a silent message to specified Triby IO
This Action will send a silent message to a Triby IO you specify.
Send a silent message to every Triby IO
This Action will send a silent message to every Triby IO in your group.
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