Add your latest iPhone screenshots to a Dropbox folder
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular iOS Photos workflows and automations
Android to iCloud Photostream
Change my hue lights to match any new iOS Photo I take
Upload all your iOS Photos to Evernote
Save your iPhone screenshots to an Evernote notebook
Back up new iOS photos you take to Dropbox
Organize iPhone screenshots into their own album
Save iPhone screenshots to Amazon Cloud Drive
Useful iOS Photos and World Wildlife Fund integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new photo
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is added to your camera roll.
New story from the World Wildlife Fund
This trigger fires when there is a new story from the World Wildlife Fund.
New screenshot
This Trigger fires every time you take a screenshot.
New photo taken in area
This Trigger fires every time you take a photo in an area you specify.
New photo with the front camera
This Trigger fires every time you take a photo with the front camera.
New photo with the rear camera
This Trigger fires every time you take a photo with the rear camera.
New photo added to album
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is added to the album you specify.

Any new photo
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is added to your camera roll.

New story from the World Wildlife Fund
This trigger fires when there is a new story from the World Wildlife Fund.

New screenshot
This Trigger fires every time you take a screenshot.

New photo taken in area
This Trigger fires every time you take a photo in an area you specify.

New photo with the front camera
This Trigger fires every time you take a photo with the front camera.

New photo with the rear camera
This Trigger fires every time you take a photo with the rear camera.

New photo added to album
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is added to the album you specify.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
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