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TIS Control Limited
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Other popular Latwy workflows and automations
Notify me when a Latwy transaction is created.
Send me a Discord message when a Latwy transaction is created.
Create an Airtable record when a Latwy transaction is created
Send me an SMS text message when a Latwy transaction is created
Create a Day One journal entry when a Latwy transaction is created
Send myself an email when a Latwy transaction is created
Send me an email when a Latwy transaction is created
Send me a Slack message when a Latwy transaction is created.
Add row in Google Sheet for Latwy transaction
Useful Latwy and TIS Control Limited integrations
Triggers (If this)
A transaction was created
The trigger fires when a new transaction is created.
Queries (With)
History of Switch being turned on or off
This query returns a list of when your TIS support switch was turned on or off
Actions (Then that)
Change thermostat mode to cool
This action will change your thermostat to cool
Turn on thermostat
This action will turn on your thermostat
Change thermostat mode to heat
This action will change your thermostat to heat
Turn off switch
This action will turn off your switch
Change thermostat mode to auto
This action will change your thermostat to auto
Turn off floor heater
This action will turn off your floor heater
Turn on rgb
This action will turn on your rgb
Turn off thermostat
This action will turn off your thermostat
Turn off dimmer
This action will turn off your dimmer
Turn on floor heater
This action will turn on your floor heater
Close relay to curtain
This action will close your TIS relay to curtain
Set color for rgb light
This action will set color for selected TIS support rgb light
Turn on mood
This action will turn on your TIS mood
Turn off rgb
This action will turn off your rgb
Turn on fan
This action will turn on your fan
Turn on switch
This action will turn on your switch
Set brightness for dimmer
This action will set brightness for selected TIS support dimmer
Turn off appliance
This action will turn off your appliance
Open relay to curtain
This action will open your TIS relay to curtain
Open curtain motor
This action will open your TIS curtain motor
Close curtain motor
This action will close your TIS curtain motor
Turn on appliance
This action will turn on your appliance
Turn off fan
This action will turn off your fan
Turn on dimmer
This action will turn on your dimmer
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