If current conditions change to rain, start a lightwaverf event
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular LightwaveRF Events workflows and automations
Run a LightwaveRF Event when a Google Calendar Event starts
Start a Lightwave RF event when a Todo task is created
Run a LightwaveRF Event when you get home
Run a LightwaveRF Event when you leave a location
Turn on LightwaveRf lights a variable period before sunset using LightwaveRf event
Start a Lightwave RF event every morning
Schedule a Lightwave Event on your iOS calendar
Run a LightwaveRF Event when a Google Calendar Event starts
Useful LightwaveRF Events and MeisterTask integrations
Triggers (If this)
Task created in section
This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified section. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different section.
Task created in project
This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified project. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different project.
Task assigned to me
This Trigger fires when a task is assigned to you.

Task created in section
This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified section. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different section.

Task created in project
This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified project. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different project.

Task assigned to me
This Trigger fires when a task is assigned to you.
Queries (With)
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