Power Saver
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular LightwaveRF Power workflows and automations
Airpump turns on in hot weather all day
Turn garden lights off at a set time
Close a LightwaveRF Relay when it's sunset
Open Relay At Sunset
Ever Hour turn off Lightwave Power Unit
Turn pond pump on at a set time
Lock a socket on when you charge your Android
Lock a LightwaveRF Socket at a specific time
Useful LightwaveRF Power and Wink: Spotter integrations
Triggers (If this)
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter rises above the value you specify.
Socket switched on
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned on.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter drops below the value you specify.
Socket switched off
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned off.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter rises above the value you specify.

Socket switched on
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned on.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter drops below the value you specify.

Socket switched off
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned off.
Actions (Then that)
Switch on a socket
This Action will switch on your socket.
Switch off a socket
This Action will switch off a socket.
Lock device
This Action will lock a device, preventing use of the physical buttons on the device.
Unlock a device
This Action will unlock a device, allowing use of the physical buttons on the device.
Fully lock a device
This Action will fully lock a device, preventing both the use of physical buttons and radio control of the device.
Open a relay
This Action will open a relay.
Close a relay
This Action will close a relay.
Stop a relay
This Action will stop a relay.

Switch on a socket
This Action will switch on your socket.

Switch off a socket
This Action will switch off a socket.

Lock device
This Action will lock a device, preventing use of the physical buttons on the device.

Unlock a device
This Action will unlock a device, allowing use of the physical buttons on the device.

Fully lock a device
This Action will fully lock a device, preventing both the use of physical buttons and radio control of the device.

Open a relay
This Action will open a relay.

Close a relay
This Action will close a relay.

Stop a relay
This Action will stop a relay.
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