Turn on light when I get home
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular LightwaveRF Power workflows and automations
Temperature Drop Turn off
Lock a socket on when you charge your Android
Open Relay At Sunset
Lock a LightwaveRF Socket at a specific time
Ever Hour turn off Lightwave Power Unit
Turn pond pump on at a set time
Turn garden lights off at a set time
Power Saver
Useful LightwaveRF Power and weara integrations
Triggers (If this)
wearaアプリ内の[コマンド設定]でIFTTTを選択したうえで、weara COREのトップタッチセンサーを3回タッチすると、このトリガーが発動します。
Socket switched on
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned on.
weara COREで起床が検知された時に、トリガーが発動します。
Socket switched off
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned off.
weara COREで入眠が検知された時に、トリガーが発動します。

wearaアプリ内の[コマンド設定]でIFTTTを選択したうえで、weara COREのトップタッチセンサーを3回タッチすると、このトリガーが発動します。

Socket switched on
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned on.

weara COREで起床が検知された時に、トリガーが発動します。

Socket switched off
This trigger fires whenever a socket is turned off.

weara COREで入眠が検知された時に、トリガーが発動します。

Actions (Then that)
Switch on a socket
This Action will switch on your socket.
Switch off a socket
This Action will switch off a socket.
Lock device
This Action will lock a device, preventing use of the physical buttons on the device.
Unlock a device
This Action will unlock a device, allowing use of the physical buttons on the device.
Fully lock a device
This Action will fully lock a device, preventing both the use of physical buttons and radio control of the device.
Open a relay
This Action will open a relay.
Close a relay
This Action will close a relay.
Stop a relay
This Action will stop a relay.

Switch on a socket
This Action will switch on your socket.

Switch off a socket
This Action will switch off a socket.

Lock device
This Action will lock a device, preventing use of the physical buttons on the device.

Unlock a device
This Action will unlock a device, allowing use of the physical buttons on the device.

Fully lock a device
This Action will fully lock a device, preventing both the use of physical buttons and radio control of the device.

Open a relay
This Action will open a relay.

Close a relay
This Action will close a relay.

Stop a relay
This Action will stop a relay.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together