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Other popular MeisterTask workflows and automations
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "Accidental Tech Podcast"
The Accidental Tech Podcast
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "CodeNewbie" Podcast
The CodeNewbie Podcast
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of "The Real Python Podcast"
The Real Python Podcast
Create weekly recurring tasks in MeisterTask
Add voice reminder from siri ios to meister task.
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "Simple Programmer" Podcast
Simple Programmer Podcast
Evernote to MeisterTask
If MeisterTask assigned to me, then create a task in MS To Do
If a specific tag is added to a note, create a new MeisterTask task
Useful MeisterTask and Threads integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new post by you
This trigger fires when you post any new post on Threads.
Task created in section
This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified section. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different section.
New text post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new text post on Threads.
Task created in project
This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified project. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different project.
New image post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new image post on Threads.
Task assigned to me
This Trigger fires when a task is assigned to you.
New video post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new video post.
New carousel post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new carousel (multiple media) post.
Queries (With)
History of task created in project
This query returns a list of when a new task was created in the specified project.
Get followers count
This query returns the number of followers on your Threads profile.
History if instances when a task was assinged to me
This query returns a list of instances when a task was assigned to you.
Actions (Then that)
Create a text post
This action will create a text post on Threads.
Create a task
This Action will create a new task in the section you specify.
Create a link post
This action will create a link post on Threads.
Create an image post
This action will create an image post on Threads.
Create a video post
This action will create a video post on Threads.
Create a carousel (multiple media) post
This action will create a carousel (multiple media) post on Threads. At least two items are required in the carousel.
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