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SL-BUS Technology
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular mydlink workflows and automations
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DLink Water Sensor trigger FL-1000 Close Valve and Leak Alarm
FL-1000 Leak Detector
Receive a notification when your D-Link water sensor no longer detects water
Flicker your Philips hue lights if a water leak is detected
Send a text when your D-Link water sensor detects a leak warning
Receive a notification if your D-Link camera detects a sound
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Useful mydlink and SL-BUS Technology integrations
Triggers (If this)
Person is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link device detects a person.
T3/T4 alarm is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link device detects a T3/T4 alarm.
Motion is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link device detects a motion event.
Vehicle is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link device detects a vehicle.
Contact close is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link device detects a contact close event.
Contact open is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link device detects a contact open event.
Sound is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link camera detects a sound event.
Water is detected
This trigger fires every time your D-Link water sensor detects a leak event.
Water is no longer detected
This trigger fires when your D-Link water sensor no longer detects water.
Camera is turned on
This tigger fires every time your D-Link camera is turned on.
Plug is turned on
This tigger fires every time your D-Link smart plug is turned on.
Camera is turned off
This tigger fires every time your D-Link camera is turned off.
Plug is turned off
This tigger fires every time your D-Link smart plug is turned off.
Queries (With)
History of Motion is detected
This query returns a list of times when your D-Link device detected a motion event.
History of when Water was no longer detected
This query returns a list of when your D-Link water sensor no longer detected water.
History of sound is detected
This query returns a list of when your D-Link camera detects a sound event.
Actions (Then that)
Switch On
This action will switch on SL-BUS Device.
Change scene
This action will change your scene.
Switch Off
This action will switch off SL-BUS Device.
Turn on plug
This action will turn on your D-Link smart plug.
Set Level to
Sets Level of a SL-BUS Device to specific value
Turn on camera
This action will turn on your D-Link camera.
Execute Scene
Execute preconfigured SL-BUS scene
Turn off camera
This action will turn off your D-Link camera.
Open the SL-BUS Curtain
Turn off plug
This action will turn off your D-Link smart plug.
Close the SL-BUS Curtain
Door Open
Open the SL-BUS Door
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