If Emergency Notification received from Nest Protect, then activate Routine 'Blink House ON'
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Niko Home Control workflows and automations
Activate Niko Home Control routine when your smartphone connects to your TP-Link router
Start the selected program when there is excessive solar energy available
Start the selected program when thereĀ is excessive solar energy available
Turn your Niko Home Control connected lights on when movement is detected
On Niko Routine activate user can Turn On/Off any device in ThingaOS
Clean your house when activating all-off
CBTW Mail Trigger Lamp
Turn your audio and TV appliances off while activating your Niko Home Control routine
Useful Niko Home Control and Veritasium - YouTube Channel integrations
Triggers (If this)
Routine activated
This trigger fires when a Routine is activated.
New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "Veritasium" YouTube channel
Virtual Device turned on
Virtual Device turned on
Virtual Device turned off
Virtual Device turned off
Device turned on
Device turned on
Device turned off
Device turned off
Motor opened
This trigger fires when a motor is opened
Motor closed
This trigger fires when a motor is closed

Routine activated
This trigger fires when a Routine is activated.

New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "Veritasium" YouTube channel

Virtual Device turned on
Virtual Device turned on

Virtual Device turned off
Virtual Device turned off

Device turned on
Device turned on

Device turned off
Device turned off

Motor opened
This trigger fires when a motor is opened

Motor closed
This trigger fires when a motor is closed
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Activate Routine
This action will activate a Routine.
Turn device on
Turn device on
Turn device off
Turn device off
Set motor device position
This action will set motor device position to a desired value
Set dimmer brightness
This action will set dimmer device brightness to a desired value
Close motor device
This action will close a motor device
Open motor device
This action will open a motor device

Activate Routine
This action will activate a Routine.

Turn device on
Turn device on

Turn device off
Turn device off

Set motor device position
This action will set motor device position to a desired value

Set dimmer brightness
This action will set dimmer device brightness to a desired value

Close motor device
This action will close a motor device

Open motor device
This action will open a motor device
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