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Zoho Notebook (Europe)
Smart Home Solution
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Zoho Notebook (Europe)
Useful Zoho Notebook (Europe) and Smart Home Solution integrations
Triggers (If this)
Device turned on
This trigger fires when a specific device is turned on.
New Reminder Created
This trigger fires when a new reminder is created
Device turned off
This trigger fires when a specific device is turned off.
New Text notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new Text notecard in a specific notebook
Motion detected
This trigger fires when motion is detected.
New Image notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new Image notecard in a specific notebook
Door opened
This trigger fires when a specific door opens.
New File notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new File notecard in a specific notebook
Alarm breached
This trigger fires when the alarm in the house is breached, requires a subscription with alarm functionality.
New Checklist notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new Checklist notecard in a specific notebook
Door closed
This trigger fires when a specific door closes.
New Audio notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new Audio notecard in a specific notebook
Temperature reading received
This trigger fires when a specific sensor reads the temperature.
New Sketch notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new Sketch notecard in a specific notebook
Water leak detected
This trigger fires when a water leak is detected.
New Bookmark notecard in Notebook
This trigger fires whenever a user creates a new Bookmark notecard in a specific notebook
Brightness changed on bulb
This trigger fires when a specific light bulb changes brightness.
A Specific Tag is Associated
This trigger fires when a specific tag is associated to a notecard
Color changed on bulb
This trigger fires when a specific light bulb changes color.
Smoke detected
This trigger fires when smoke is detected.
Battery report received
This trigger fires when a specific device reports its battery level.
Luminance report received
This trigger fires when a specific sensor measures the luminance.
Glass breakage detected
This trigger fires when glass breakage is detected.
We detect that the home is empty
This trigger fires when every family member has left.
We detect that everyone has gone to sleep
This trigger fires when everyone has gone to sleep.
We detect that someone has woken up
This trigger fires when everyone has woken up.
At least one person arrives home
This trigger fires when at least one family member has come home.
Door locked
This trigger fires when a specific door is locked.
Door unlocked
This trigger fires when a specific door is unlocked
Queries (With)
History of everyone has gone to sleep
This query returns a list of when everyone was gone to sleep.
History of when the alarm triggered
This query returns a list of when the alarm in the house was breached, requires a subscription with alarm functionality.
History of door locked
This query returns a list of when a specific door was locked.
History of color changes on bulb
This query returns a list of when a specific light bulb changes color.
History of device turned off
This query returns a list of when a specific device was turned off.
History of battery report received
This query returns a list of when a specific device reports its battery level.
Actions (Then that)
Turn device off
This action will turn a device off given a name.
Add Text Note
Add Text Note
Turn device on
This action will turn a device on given a name.
Create Notecard With HTML Content
Create Notecard With HTML Content
Turn alarm on
This action will turn on the alarm in your house, this requires a subscription with alarm functionality.
Create Image NoteCard
This action will create an image notecard in notebook
Unlock door
This action will unlock a specific door.
Create Link Card
This action will create a link card in notebook
Change brightness of bulb
This action will change the brightness of a bulb given a name.
Change Notebook Cover
This action will change a notebook cover
Lock door
This action will lock a specific door.
Change color of bulb
This action will change the color of a bulb given a name.
Turn alarm off
This action will turn off the alarm in your house, this requires a subscription with alarm functionality.
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