Export Evernote Notes to OneNote
Start today
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular OneNote workflows and automations
Every day at 07:00 AM, send a weather report to my OneNote
Send your Pocket favorites to OneNote
Send your liked Tweets to OneNote
Memorialize Todoist Tasks in OneNote
Send articles from the NYT to OneNote
Pocket to OneNote
Save my Facebook link posts to OneNote
Create notes in OneNote for your tweets when you use a specific #hashtag
Useful OneNote and PMMI Lighting integrations
Queries (With)
Get Areas and Current State
This query returns area names, light levels, and types for all exposed areas for a specified serial number. Exposed areas are those with a numerical Display Order provided in the PMMI config file spreadsheet. Areas will be returned in Display Order.
Get Scenes
This query returns valid scene names for a specified serial number.
Get System Info
This query returns lighting controller system information for a specified serial number including system name, type, software version, and current home/away state.

Get Areas and Current State
This query returns area names, light levels, and types for all exposed areas for a specified serial number. Exposed areas are those with a numerical Display Order provided in the PMMI config file spreadsheet. Areas will be returned in Display Order.

Get Scenes
This query returns valid scene names for a specified serial number.

Get System Info
This query returns lighting controller system information for a specified serial number including system name, type, software version, and current home/away state.
Actions (Then that)
Toggle "Any" Area ON or OFF
This action will toggle an area ON of OFF. All areas (dimmable, toggle only, and daylight harvesting) are applicable to this action.
Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Set "Dimmable" Area Light Level
This action will set a "dimmable" Area/Zone light level between 0 and 100% using a specified transition time.
Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Trigger A Scene
This action will trigger a scene.
Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Toggle "Any" Area ON or OFF
This action will toggle an area ON of OFF. All areas (dimmable, toggle only, and daylight harvesting) are applicable to this action.

Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Set "Dimmable" Area Light Level
This action will set a "dimmable" Area/Zone light level between 0 and 100% using a specified transition time.

Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Trigger A Scene
This action will trigger a scene.

Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.
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