Google Calendar Event Triggers Text
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Android SMS workflows and automations
Use Alexa to set ringtone to 100% and send text message to phoneby
Receiving a text containing "Ring ring" will set the ringtone volume to 100% and call your device.
When a SMS is sent, save it to a Google drive document (each contact gets its own doc)
Forward Android SMS to iPhone
Text me if tomorrow’s forecast calls for rain
Send a text when the Automower has an error
Google Doc of Sent Text
Send a text when you miss a call to your Android phone
Useful Android SMS and PMMI Lighting integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new SMS received
This Trigger fires every time you receive any new SMS on your Android device.
Any new SMS sent
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device.
New SMS received from phone number
This Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device from a phone number you specify.
New SMS sent to phone number
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device to a phone number you specify.
New SMS received matches search
This Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.
New SMS sent matches search
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.

Any new SMS received
This Trigger fires every time you receive any new SMS on your Android device.

Any new SMS sent
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device.

New SMS received from phone number
This Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device from a phone number you specify.

New SMS sent to phone number
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device to a phone number you specify.

New SMS received matches search
This Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.

New SMS sent matches search
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.
Queries (With)
Get Areas and Current State
This query returns area names, light levels, and types for all exposed areas for a specified serial number. Exposed areas are those with a numerical Display Order provided in the PMMI config file spreadsheet. Areas will be returned in Display Order.
Get Scenes
This query returns valid scene names for a specified serial number.
Get System Info
This query returns lighting controller system information for a specified serial number including system name, type, software version, and current home/away state.

Get Areas and Current State
This query returns area names, light levels, and types for all exposed areas for a specified serial number. Exposed areas are those with a numerical Display Order provided in the PMMI config file spreadsheet. Areas will be returned in Display Order.

Get Scenes
This query returns valid scene names for a specified serial number.

Get System Info
This query returns lighting controller system information for a specified serial number including system name, type, software version, and current home/away state.
Actions (Then that)
Toggle "Any" Area ON or OFF
This action will toggle an area ON of OFF. All areas (dimmable, toggle only, and daylight harvesting) are applicable to this action.
Send an SMS
This Action will send an SMS from your Android device to any phone number you specify.
Set "Dimmable" Area Light Level
This action will set a "dimmable" Area/Zone light level between 0 and 100% using a specified transition time.
Trigger A Scene
This action will trigger a scene.

Toggle "Any" Area ON or OFF
This action will toggle an area ON of OFF. All areas (dimmable, toggle only, and daylight harvesting) are applicable to this action.

Send an SMS
This Action will send an SMS from your Android device to any phone number you specify.

Set "Dimmable" Area Light Level
This action will set a "dimmable" Area/Zone light level between 0 and 100% using a specified transition time.

Trigger A Scene
This action will trigger a scene.
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