Popular Android SMS and Gmail workflows and automations
NT 1960 relay
sms forwarding to gmail
SMS to Email
If any new SMS received, then send an email to gmail
Useful Android SMS and Gmail integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new SMS received
This Trigger fires every time you receive any new SMS on your Android device.
Any new SMS sent
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device.
New SMS received from phone number
This Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device from a phone number you specify.
New SMS sent to phone number
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device to a phone number you specify.
New SMS received matches search
This Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.
New SMS sent matches search
This Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.

Actions (Then that)
Android SMS and Gmail resources

Best email apps for Android in 2025
Best Email Apps for Android in 2025

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