Craig's take on 5 Minute Journal (OneNote)
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular OneNote workflows and automations
Save your handwritten notes to OneNote
See who has called me
WP to OneNote
Saved Reddit post nicely formatted to OneNote page
Send #Instapaper items to #OneNote
Every day at 07:00 AM, send a weather report to my OneNote
YouTube to OneNote
Daily summary to OneNote
Useful OneNote and Trane® Home integrations
Triggers (If this)
Trane automation runs
This trigger fires when a Trane automation runs.
Lock is locked
This trigger fires when your lock is locked.
Lock is unlocked
This trigger fires when your lock is unlocked.
Door opens
This trigger fires when your door opens.
Door closes
This trigger fires when your door closes.
Camera detects motion
This trigger fires when a camera detects motion.
Motion sensor detects motion
This trigger fires when your motion sensor detects motion.

Trane automation runs
This trigger fires when a Trane automation runs.

Lock is locked
This trigger fires when your lock is locked.

Lock is unlocked
This trigger fires when your lock is unlocked.

Door opens
This trigger fires when your door opens.

Door closes
This trigger fires when your door closes.

Camera detects motion
This trigger fires when a camera detects motion.

Motion sensor detects motion
This trigger fires when your motion sensor detects motion.
Actions (Then that)
Run a Trane automation
This action will run a Trane automation.
Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Turn a switch on
This action will turn on a switch.
Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Turn a switch off
This action will turn a switch off.
Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Turn a dimmer on
This action will turn a dimmer on.
Turn a dimmer off
This action will turn a dimmer off.

Run a Trane automation
This action will run a Trane automation.

Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Turn a switch on
This action will turn on a switch.

Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Turn a switch off
This action will turn a switch off.

Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Turn a dimmer on
This action will turn a dimmer on.

Turn a dimmer off
This action will turn a dimmer off.
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