Google Calendar
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular OneNote workflows and automations
Instapaper liked article to OneNote!
Save all missed calls in Onenote
Android Screenshots to OneNote
Memorialize Todoist Tasks in OneNote
Send new contact information to OneNote
WP to OneNote
Send #Instapaper items to #OneNote
Daily summary to OneNote
Useful OneNote and WiSPLICE integrations
Triggers (If this)
A session was updated
This trigger fires when a station owned by this user has a session opened or closed.
A session was started
This trigger fires when a WiSPLICE user starts a session on the specified station.
A session was stopped
This trigger fires when a WiSPLICE user stops a session on the specified station.

A session was updated
This trigger fires when a station owned by this user has a session opened or closed.

A session was started
This trigger fires when a WiSPLICE user starts a session on the specified station.

A session was stopped
This trigger fires when a WiSPLICE user stops a session on the specified station.
Actions (Then that)
Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.
Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Create a page
This Action will create a new page in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Create a page with an image
This Action will create a new page with an image in the specified section of the specified notebook.

Create a page from a link
This Action creates a page from a link in the specified section of the specified notebook.
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