If a new PagerDuty incident assigned to me, then Set ringtone volume to 100%
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular PagerDuty workflows and automations
Create a task in Todoist when a new PagerDuty incident is assigned to you
Call to remind me that I'm on call with PagerDuty
Get a notification and blink your Hue Lights when a new PagerDuty incident is assigned to you
Check your PagerDuty notifications when your oncall shift starts
Useful PagerDuty and Rust integrations
Triggers (If this)
A smart alarm was triggered
This trigger fires when one of your Smart Alarms is triggered in Rust.
New oncall shift starts for me
Fires when a new oncall shift starts for the current user.
A smart alarm was triggered with a specific keyword
This trigger fires when a Smart Alarm is triggered in Rust and has a specific keyword in either its title or body text.
New incident assigned to me
Fires when a new incident gets assigned to the current user.
You were killed
This trigger fires when you were killed in Rust while you were not playing the game.
You were killed by another player
This trigger fires when you were killed by another player while you were not playing the game.
A teammate comes online
This trigger fires when one of your teammates comes online on one of your Rust servers.

A smart alarm was triggered
This trigger fires when one of your Smart Alarms is triggered in Rust.

New oncall shift starts for me
Fires when a new oncall shift starts for the current user.

A smart alarm was triggered with a specific keyword
This trigger fires when a Smart Alarm is triggered in Rust and has a specific keyword in either its title or body text.

New incident assigned to me
Fires when a new incident gets assigned to the current user.

You were killed
This trigger fires when you were killed in Rust while you were not playing the game.

You were killed by another player
This trigger fires when you were killed by another player while you were not playing the game.

A teammate comes online
This trigger fires when one of your teammates comes online on one of your Rust servers.
Queries (With)
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