Add iOS Reminders by phone
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
if it opens call me
If Arlo detects motion, call my phone
Dictate to Evernote
Get an insulting phone call If daily Steps goal not achieved by 10:30 PM.
Free basic alarm system
Call me when a new event is added to my calendar
If it is Christmas, then call my phone and have a robot sing Deck The Halls to me
If Leak Sensor detected water, then Call my phone
Useful Phone Call (US only) and Stockimo integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new photo uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.
Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.
Any live news photo uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.
New photo by you is accepted
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.
New photo by you is rejected
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.
New photo by you is sold
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.
Payment is credited to you
This Trigger fires every time a new payment is credited to you on Stockimo

Any new photo uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.

Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.

Any live news photo uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.

New photo by you is accepted
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.

New photo by you is rejected
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.

New photo by you is sold
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.

Payment is credited to you
This Trigger fires every time a new payment is credited to you on Stockimo
Queries (With)
History of photos by you rejected
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.
History of live news photos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.
History of photos by you accepted
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.
History of photos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.
History of photos by you sold
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.

History of photos by you rejected
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.

History of live news photos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.

History of photos by you accepted
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.

History of photos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.

History of photos by you sold
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.
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