Pinboard -> spreadsheet
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Pinboard workflows and automations
Favorite in Pocket to Pinboard
Send Instapaper saves to Pinboard
When you save a story on NewsBlur, add a private bookmark to Pinboard.
Pinboard bookmarks to Evernote
Favorite tweet url save to read later on Pinboard
Save your Pinboard bookmarks to Inoreader
Every time a item is added to #pocket, save it in #pinboard
Any new Diigo bookmark made public will be posted in publically as well.
Useful Pinboard and SoundCloud integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new public track
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public track.
Any new public bookmark
This Trigger fires every time you create a new public bookmark. NOTE: excludes bookmarks marked to read.
New public like
This Trigger fires every time you like a public track.
New public bookmark tagged
This Trigger fires every time you create a new public bookmark with a single tag you specify. NOTE: excludes bookmarks marked to read.
New public track by anyone you follow
This Trigger fires every time a new public track is uploaded by anyone you follow.
New track from search
This Trigger fires every time a new track is uploaded to SoundCloud that matches the search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 15 tracks per check.
Any new follower
This trigger fires every time you have a new follower.
New playlist created
This trigger fires every time you create a new playlist.
New track in a playlist
This trigger fires every time a new track is added to a selected playlist.

Any new public track
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public track.

Any new public bookmark
This Trigger fires every time you create a new public bookmark. NOTE: excludes bookmarks marked to read.

New public like
This Trigger fires every time you like a public track.

New public bookmark tagged
This Trigger fires every time you create a new public bookmark with a single tag you specify. NOTE: excludes bookmarks marked to read.

New public track by anyone you follow
This Trigger fires every time a new public track is uploaded by anyone you follow.

New track from search
This Trigger fires every time a new track is uploaded to SoundCloud that matches the search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 15 tracks per check.

Any new follower
This trigger fires every time you have a new follower.

New playlist created
This trigger fires every time you create a new playlist.

New track in a playlist
This trigger fires every time a new track is added to a selected playlist.
Actions (Then that)
Upload a public track
This Action will upload a new public track from the URL you specify.
Add a public bookmark
This Action will add a public bookmark to your Pinboard account.
Upload a private track
This Action will upload a new private track from the URL you specify.
Add a private bookmark
This Action will add a private bookmark to your Pinboard account.
Follow an artist
This action will follow an artist with the ID you specify.
Add read later bookmark
This Action will add a new bookmark to your Pinboard account to read later.
Like a track
This action will like a track with the ID you specify.
Repost a track
This action will repost a track by ID.

Upload a public track
This Action will upload a new public track from the URL you specify.

Add a public bookmark
This Action will add a public bookmark to your Pinboard account.

Upload a private track
This Action will upload a new private track from the URL you specify.

Add a private bookmark
This Action will add a private bookmark to your Pinboard account.

Follow an artist
This action will follow an artist with the ID you specify.

Add read later bookmark
This Action will add a new bookmark to your Pinboard account to read later.

Like a track
This action will like a track with the ID you specify.

Repost a track
This action will repost a track by ID.
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