Save a dollar every time you take a photo!
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Qapital workflows and automations
Save money when you hit your daily Fitbit step goal
Fine yourself for not sleeping enough
Save every time you hit your FitBit sleep target
Save a set amount of money in Qapital whenever you Tweet with a specific hashtag
Save to your beach vacation fund in Qapital whenever the temperature drops below freezing
Save every time you post a Facebook status update
Post your photos and get closer to the camera you want
Save if your investments are bringing you down
Useful Qapital and Yelp integrations
Triggers (If this)
Create or join a new goal
This Trigger fires every time you either create a new goal or accept an invitation to join a friend's goal.
Hot and new business
This trigger fires when a new business was created near to your location (10 km).
Every time you save
This Trigger fires every time you save toward one of your goals.
Every time you save using a specific method
This Trigger fires every time you save using a specific method like round-up or guilty-pleasure.
Every time you save toward a specific goal
This Trigger fires every time you save toward one specific goal.

Create or join a new goal
This Trigger fires every time you either create a new goal or accept an invitation to join a friend's goal.

Hot and new business
This trigger fires when a new business was created near to your location (10 km).

Every time you save
This Trigger fires every time you save toward one of your goals.

Every time you save using a specific method
This Trigger fires every time you save using a specific method like round-up or guilty-pleasure.

Every time you save toward a specific goal
This Trigger fires every time you save toward one specific goal.
Queries (With)
History of every time you saved
The query returns a list of instances when you saved towards one of your goals.
Search food delivery near to a location
This query returns businesses which support food delivery transactions.
History of saves using a specific method
This query returns a list of when you saveed using a specific method like round-up or guilty-pleasure.
Search for a business
This query returns business searched by a term
History of goals created or joined
This query returns a list of every time you either create a new goal or accept an invitation to join a friend's goal.

History of every time you saved
The query returns a list of instances when you saved towards one of your goals.

Search food delivery near to a location
This query returns businesses which support food delivery transactions.

History of saves using a specific method
This query returns a list of when you saveed using a specific method like round-up or guilty-pleasure.

Search for a business
This query returns business searched by a term

History of goals created or joined
This query returns a list of every time you either create a new goal or accept an invitation to join a friend's goal.
Actions (Then that)
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