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Reposit Power
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Other popular Reposit Power workflows and automations
Turn off a zone when solar energy stop exporting solar power to the grid
Airzone Cloud
Turn on a zone when solar energy start exporting solar power to the grid
Airzone Cloud
Get a mobile notification when your Reposit system stops having excess solar energy
Reposit Power
Reposit will turn your TP-Link Kasa device on when you have excess solar energy
Reposit Power
Useful Reposit Power and Seeburg integrations
Triggers (If this)
You started exporting solar
This trigger fires when you start exporting solar power to the grid.
New Seeburg Track Streaming
This trigger fires when a new Seeburg track is identified on the livestream.
You stopped exporting solar
This trigger fires when you stop exporting solar power to the grid.
Seeburg Record changed
This trigger fires when a Seeburg record is changed.
You export solar at a particular time of day
This trigger fires when you export solar power to the grid within a chosen time period.
Queries (With)
Lookup all tracks on record
This query returns all tracks on the record via record id.
History of export solar power to the grid
This query returns a list of when you export solar power to the grid within a chosen time period.
What was on the livestream at this time?
This query returns the track that was on stream at specified timestamp.
History of when you started exporting solar power
This query returns a list of when you start exporting solar power to the grid.
Tell me more about this track
This query returns track details
Tell me more about this record
This query returns record details
Actions (Then that)
Request a track be played
Request a track to be played
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