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Quickly connect SEG.Smart Door to Wemo Air Purifier
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SEG.Smart Door
Wemo Air Purifier
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular SEG.Smart Door workflows and automations
Open the Gate/Door via Google Assistant
SEG.Smart Door
Button press to Open the Gate
SEG.Smart Door
Open the gate automatically everyday
SEG.Smart Door
Close the Gate/Door via Google Assistant
SEG.Smart Door
Close the gate automatically everyday
SEG.Smart Door
Trigger SmartHub(cycle mode) Door 4 automatically everyday
SEG.Smart Door
Trigger SmartHub(cycle mode) Door 3 automatically everyday
SEG.Smart Door
Trigger SmartHub(cycle mode) Door 2 automatically everyday
SEG.Smart Door
Button press Close the Gate
SEG.Smart Door
Useful SEG.Smart Door and Wemo Air Purifier integrations
Triggers (If this)
This trigger fires when the gate start opening
Air quality changed
This Trigger fires every time your air purifier registers an air quality you specify (poor, moderate, good).
This trigger fires when the gate complete opened
Fan mode changed
This Trigger fires every time your air purifier is changed to your specified fan mode (Auto, High, Medium, Low, Off).
This trigger fires when the gate complete closed
Filter life drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the filter life of your air purifier drops below your specified filter life percentage.
This trigger fires when the gate start closing
SmartHub Sensor 1
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 1 triggered
SmartHub Sensor 2
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 2 triggered
SmartHub Sensor 3
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 3 triggered
SmartHub Sensor 4
This trigger fires when SmartHub sensor 4 triggered
This trigger fires when the gate stopped by overcurrent protection
This trigger fires when the gate stopped by safety device activated
Hall Sensor Abnormal
This trigger fires when the gate motor hall sensor broken
Queries (With)
History of filter life drops below threshold
This query returns a list of when the filter life of your air purifier drops below your specified filter life percentage. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of air quality changed
This query returns a list of when your air purifier registers an air quality you specify (poor, moderate, good).
Actions (Then that)
This action will help you to open the gate.
Set air purifier mode
This Action will set the mode of your air purifier to a level you specify (off, low, medium, high, auto).
This action will help you to close the gate
SmartHub 1
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 1
SmartHub 2
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 2
SmartHub 3
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 3
SmartHub 4
This action will help you to trigger SmartHub 4
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