If New feed item from https://www.icloudice.com/atom.xml, then Create a new post
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Triggers (If this)
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Useful Sendie and Texas Legislature integrations
Triggers (If this)
Today's passed bills
This trigger fire every time a new bill passes either the 150 member House of Representatives or the 31 member Senate.
New post by you
This trigger fires when you make a new public post. Does not fire when you reply, re-post, or post to a room.
Today's fiscal notes
This trigger fires every time a new fiscal note is released by the Texas Legislature.
New post to room
This trigger fires when anyone posts to a specific room
Governor's press and appointment releases
This trigger fires every time the Governor's Office issues a new press release or appointment.

Today's passed bills
This trigger fire every time a new bill passes either the 150 member House of Representatives or the 31 member Senate.

New post by you
This trigger fires when you make a new public post. Does not fire when you reply, re-post, or post to a room.

Today's fiscal notes
This trigger fires every time a new fiscal note is released by the Texas Legislature.

New post to room
This trigger fires when anyone posts to a specific room

Governor's press and appointment releases
This trigger fires every time the Governor's Office issues a new press release or appointment.
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