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Other popular SimCam workflows and automations
When SimCam recognizes a FaceID,switch SmartThings off.
Turn on Philips Hue lights when SimCam recognizes a Face ID that set up
Sonos play a favorite when SimCam recognizes a Face ID that set up
When you get home, turn on SimCam privacy mode
Toggle your lights when SimCam recognizes a Face ID
Turn on simcam's privacy mode when you enter or exit an area
When SimCam recognizes a FaceID,switch SmartThings on.
Send yourself an email when SimCam recognizes a Face ID that set up
Send yourself an email when SimCam detect the selected object is removed
Useful SimCam and Tecan Connect integrations
Triggers (If this)
Person Detection
This trigger fires when SimCam detects a person in a specific area.(If you select "special time", this trigger will run once in this time period. If you do not fill in this value, the trigger will run normally)
Estimated End Time Overshoot
This trigger fires actions when the estimated end time of a method running on the selected Tecan Instrument overshoots 20% of the initially estimated end time
Object Monitoring
This trigger fires when an object you’ve selected in the camera’s view is removed.
Instrument State Change
This trigger fires actions when the selected Tecan Instrument's state changes to Idle, Running, Paused, Error, User Interaction Required, Software Not Running, Not Connected and Stopped
Facial Recognition
This trigger fires when SimCam recognizes a Face ID that set up.
Custom Message
This trigger fires actions when there is a new Custom messages like Info, Error, Warning and Comment from the selected Tecan Instrument
Pets Appear
This trigger fires when SimCam detects a pet in a specific area.
Run Completion Message
This trigger fires actions when a Run on the selected Tecan Instrument is completed
Vehicle Exiting
This trigger fires when SimCam detects the car exited the specific area.
Vehicle Entering
This trigger fires when SimCam detects the car entered the specific area.
Baby Crying
This trigger fires when Simbaby hears a Baby’s crying
Baby Out Of Fence
This trigger fires when Simbaby finds your baby getting out of the fence.
Baby Sleeping Soundly
This trigger fires when Simbaby finds your baby falling asleep.
Baby Moving
This trigger fires when Simbaby find your baby moving.
Doorbell Answered Rings
This trigger fires when the doorbell’s ring is answerd.
Doorbell Missed Rings
This trigger fires when the doorbell’s ring is missed.
Doorbell Wandering
This trigger fires when the doorbell detects a person.
Queries (With)
History of Vehicle Exited
This query returns a list of when SimCam detected a car exited the specific area.
History of recent Instrument State Changes
This query returns a list of recent actions when the selected Tecan Instrument's state changed to Idle, Running, Paused, Error, User Interaction Required, Software Not Running, Not Connected and Stopped.
History of Person Detected
This query returns a list of when SimCam detected a person in a specific area.
History of Objected Moved
This query returns a list of when an object you’ve selected in the camera’s view was moved.
History of Pet Detected
This query returns a list of when SimCam detected a pet in a specific area.
History of Vehicle Entering
This query returns a list of when SimCam detected the car entered the specific area.
History of when a Face was Recognized
This query returns a list of when SimCam recognized a Face ID that set up.
Actions (Then that)
Turn On Privacy Mode
This action will turn on camera's privacy mode.
Turn Off Privacy Mode
This action will turn off camera's privacy mode.
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