Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Strava workflows and automations
Sync weight measurements to Strava
Tweet Strava activity with a photo
Automatically save your Strava activities to a Google spreadsheet
Automatically save money to Qapital when you complete a Strava activity
Strava Rides and Runs saved to Day One
Save as you run or cycle with Strava
Bike ride with backup in Telegram Cloud
Beemind Strava Activities
Useful Strava and WeMo Humidifier integrations
Triggers (If this)
Shoes over distance threshold
This trigger fires when distance tracked by Strava for selected shoes crosses a threshold you specify.
Humidity level rises above threshold
This Trigger fires every time the humidity level of the room your humidifier is in rises above a specified humidity level.
New activity by you
This Trigger fires every time you complete a new activity on Strava.
Humidity level drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the humidity level of the room your humidifier is in drops below your specified humidity level.
New activity by you with photo
This Trigger fires every time you complete a new activity that includes a photo.
Water level is low
This Trigger fires every time the water in your humidifier needs to be refilled.
New route by you
This Trigger fires every time you create a new route on Strava.
Filter life drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the filter life of your humidifier drops below your specified filter life percentage.
New starred segment by you
This Trigger fires every time you star a segment on Strava.
Current fan mode changes
This Trigger fires every time your humidifier is changed to your specified fan mode (Max, High, Medium, Low, Min, Off).
New club event scheduled
This Trigger fires every time there is a new event scheduled for one of your clubs.

Shoes over distance threshold
This trigger fires when distance tracked by Strava for selected shoes crosses a threshold you specify.

Humidity level rises above threshold
This Trigger fires every time the humidity level of the room your humidifier is in rises above a specified humidity level.

New activity by you
This Trigger fires every time you complete a new activity on Strava.

Humidity level drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the humidity level of the room your humidifier is in drops below your specified humidity level.

New activity by you with photo
This Trigger fires every time you complete a new activity that includes a photo.

Water level is low
This Trigger fires every time the water in your humidifier needs to be refilled.

New route by you
This Trigger fires every time you create a new route on Strava.

Filter life drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the filter life of your humidifier drops below your specified filter life percentage.

New starred segment by you
This Trigger fires every time you star a segment on Strava.

Current fan mode changes
This Trigger fires every time your humidifier is changed to your specified fan mode (Max, High, Medium, Low, Min, Off).

New club event scheduled
This Trigger fires every time there is a new event scheduled for one of your clubs.
Queries (With)
Get Athlete Activities
Get a list of your activities.
History of when Filter life dropped below a threshold
This query returns a list of when the filter life of your humidifier dropped below your specified filter life percentage. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
Get Athlete Totals
This query returns the activity stats of an athlete.
History of when humidity level dropped below a threshold
This query returns a list of when the humidity level of the room with your humidifier in dropped below your specified humidity level. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of activity by you
This query returns a list of every time you completed a new activity on Strava.
History of humidity level rises above threshold
This query returns a list of when the humidity level of the room your humidifier was in rises above a specified humidity level. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of activity by you with photo
This query returns a list of every time you completed a new activity that included a photo.
History of fan mode changes
This query returns a list of when your humidifier was changed to your specified fan mode (Max, High, Medium, Low, Min, Off).
History of club event scheduled
This query returns a list of every time there is a new event scheduled for one of your clubs.
History of recent low water level alerts
This query returns a list of when the water in your humidifier needed to be refilled.
History of starred segment by you
This query returns a list of every time you starred a segment on Strava.
History of route by you
This query returns a list of every time you created a new route on Strava.

Get Athlete Activities
Get a list of your activities.

History of when Filter life dropped below a threshold
This query returns a list of when the filter life of your humidifier dropped below your specified filter life percentage. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

Get Athlete Totals
This query returns the activity stats of an athlete.

History of when humidity level dropped below a threshold
This query returns a list of when the humidity level of the room with your humidifier in dropped below your specified humidity level. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of activity by you
This query returns a list of every time you completed a new activity on Strava.

History of humidity level rises above threshold
This query returns a list of when the humidity level of the room your humidifier was in rises above a specified humidity level. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of activity by you with photo
This query returns a list of every time you completed a new activity that included a photo.

History of fan mode changes
This query returns a list of when your humidifier was changed to your specified fan mode (Max, High, Medium, Low, Min, Off).

History of club event scheduled
This query returns a list of every time there is a new event scheduled for one of your clubs.

History of recent low water level alerts
This query returns a list of when the water in your humidifier needed to be refilled.

History of starred segment by you
This query returns a list of every time you starred a segment on Strava.

History of route by you
This query returns a list of every time you created a new route on Strava.
Actions (Then that)
Adjust fan mode
This Action will adjust your humidifier to your specified fan mode (Max, High, Medium, Low, Min, Off).
Create an activity
This Action will create a new activity in Strava.
Set humidity level
This Action will set your humidifier’s humidity target level to the percentage you specify. (45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, Max%).
Update weight
This Action will update your weight on Strava.

Adjust fan mode
This Action will adjust your humidifier to your specified fan mode (Max, High, Medium, Low, Min, Off).

Create an activity
This Action will create a new activity in Strava.

Set humidity level
This Action will set your humidifier’s humidity target level to the percentage you specify. (45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, Max%).

Update weight
This Action will update your weight on Strava.
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