If cell updated in Sheet, then pass cell value to Streamer.bot and execute a Streamer.bot action
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Streamer.bot workflows and automations
Streamer.bot action button with JSON arguments
Send me an SMS
Post a new Tweet
New Twitter follower executes a Streamer.bot action
Activate Smart Life scene
Set a Hue scene in a room
Streamer.bot action button
Start playback in Spotify
Useful Streamer.bot and Zoho Mail integrations
Triggers (If this)
New Mail Received
This trigger fires on the reception of a new mail
IFTTT Notification Sub-Action
This trigger fires when an `IFTTT Notification` sub-action is executed from Streamer.bot.
New mail received with criteria
This trigger fires when you receive mail that satisfies the trigger fields
IFTTT Advanced Notification Sub-Action
This trigger fires when an `IFTTT Advanced Notification` sub-action is executed from Streamer.bot.

New Mail Received
This trigger fires on the reception of a new mail

IFTTT Notification Sub-Action
This trigger fires when an `IFTTT Notification` sub-action is executed from Streamer.bot.

New mail received with criteria
This trigger fires when you receive mail that satisfies the trigger fields

IFTTT Advanced Notification Sub-Action
This trigger fires when an `IFTTT Advanced Notification` sub-action is executed from Streamer.bot.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Send an Email
This action will send an email in ZohoMail
Execute Action
This action will remotely execute a Streamer.bot action.
Send an email to yourself
This action will send an email to yourself
Execute Action (JSON)
This action will remotely execute a Streamer.bot action with multiple arguments provided by JSON input.
Save a draft
This action will save a draft

Send an Email
This action will send an email in ZohoMail

Execute Action
This action will remotely execute a Streamer.bot action.

Send an email to yourself
This action will send an email to yourself

Execute Action (JSON)
This action will remotely execute a Streamer.bot action with multiple arguments provided by JSON input.

Save a draft
This action will save a draft
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