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Swann Security
Wireless Tag
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Useful Swann Security and Wireless Tag integrations
Triggers (If this)
Tag is moved
This Trigger fires when specified motion sensor tag(s) armed in motion detection mode, have moved.
Doorbell button pressed
The trigger fires when the Swann Video Doorbell button is pressed.
Door or window is opened
This Trigger fires when a specified motion sensor tag(s) or reed sensor(s) detect that a door or window is open.
Motion detected
This trigger fires when the selected Swann security device detects motion.
Door or window is closed
This Trigger fires when a specified motion sensor tag(s) or reed sensor(s) detect that a door or window is closed.
Person detected
This trigger fires when a person is detected on your Swann security device
Movement is detected
This Trigger fires when specified PIR KumoSensor detects movement.
Pet detected
This trigger fires when a pet is detected on the selected Swann security device.
Motion sensor has timed out
This Trigger fires when specified PIR KumoSensor or regular motion sensor tag detects no movement for a time-out period.
Sound detected
This trigger fires when a sound is detected by the selected Swann security device.
Temperature is too high
This Trigger fires when a specified tag senses that its ambient temperature exceeds an upper threshold configured at temperature options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Vehicle detected
This trigger fires when a vehicle is detected by the selected Swann security device.
Temperature is too low
This Trigger fires when a specified tag senses that its ambient temperature falls below an lower threshold configured at temperature options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Low battery
This trigger is fired when a low battery is detected on the selected Swann wireless security device.
Temperature returns to normal
This Trigger fires when a specified tag senses that its ambient temperature returns between the upper and lower thresholds configured at temperature options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Face recognized
This trigger is fired when an enrolled or selected face is detected by the Swann security device.
Humidity or moisture is too high
This Trigger fires when a specified tag with humidity or moisture monitoring enabled, detects "too wet" state. Adjust the threshold from the humidity/moisture options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Humidity or moisture is too low
This Trigger fires when a specified tag with humidity or moisture monitoring enabled, detects "too dry" state. Adjust the threshold from the humidity/moisture options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Humidity or moisture returns to normal
This Trigger fires when a specified tag with humidity or moisture monitoring enabled, returns within normal humidity range. Adjust the upper/lower thresholds from the humidity/moisture options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Sensor detects water
This Trigger fires when specified water sensor tag detects water with its resistive sensor, or when you short circuit its tip.
Sensor no longer detects water
This trigger fires when specified water sensor tag transitions from detected water state to not detected water state, or when you open circuit its tip.
Out of range
This Trigger fires when a specified tag goes out of range. Note that the system can only determine whether a tag is out of range, if the "auto-update" is enabled.
Back in range
This Trigger fires when a specified tag comes out of "out of range" state. Only tags with auto-update is enabled can come out of "out of range" state.
Tag Manager Offline
This Trigger fires when the server detects that specified tag manager lost Internet connection due to power outage or Internet connection problems.
Tag Manager Online
This Trigger fires when specified tag manager is back online.
New KumoApp message
This Trigger fires every time a specific KumoApp produces a log message with KumoApp.Log call with a specific type.
Update received
This Trigger fires every time a temperature/humidity/lux update is received from specified sensor/tag(s).
Too bright
This Trigger fires when a specified tag senses that its ambient light exceeds an upper threshold configured at light options screen inside the WirelessTag app. For example, this can be used to detect fridge door open.
Too dark
This Trigger fires when a specified tag senses that its ambient light exceeds an lower threshold configured at light options screen inside the WirelessTag app. For example, this can be used to turn on a light in a room.
Brightness returns to normal
This Trigger fires when a specified tag senses that its ambient light intensity returns between the upper and lower thresholds configured at light options screen inside the WirelessTag app.
Queries (With)
History of temperature returning to normal
This query returns a list of when the specified tag sensed that its ambient temperature had returned between the upper and lower thresholds configured on the temperature options screen inside the WirelessTag app. Note: this query will only return future e
Current Tag Manager State
The query returns if the specified tag manager is online or offline, as well as how many hours it has been online.
Current Tag State
This query returns specified door/window sensor/tag's current state, including temperature, humidity/lux (when available) and motion state such as door open/close, moved, or detected motion (for PIR sensor)
History of tag manager offline
This query returns a list of when the server detects that specified tag manager lost Internet connection due to power outage or Internet connection problems.
History of when temperature was too low
This query returns a list of when a specified tag sensed that its ambient temperature fell below a threshold. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of High Temperature alerts
This query returns a list of times when a specified tag senses that its ambient temperature exceeded an upper threshold configured at temperature options screen inside the WirelessTag app. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet
History of humidity or moisture is too high
This query returns a list of when a specified tag with humidity or moisture monitoring enabled, detects "too wet" state.
History of when the tag manager was online
This query returns a list of when the specified tag manager was back online.
History of sensor no longer detects water
This query returns a list of when specified water sensor tag transitions from detected water state to not detected water state, or when you open circuit its tip.
History of tag moves
This query returns a list of when specified motion sensor tag(s) armed in motion detection mode, have moved.
History of tag out of range
This query returns a list of when a specified tag goes out of range. Note that the system can only determine whether a tag was out of range, if the "auto-update" was enabled.
History of motion sensor has timed out
This query returns a list of when specified PIR KumoSensor or regular motion sensor tag detects no movement for a time-out period.
History of update received
This query returns a list of when a temperature/humidity/lux update was received from specified sensor/tag(s).
History of door or window is opened
This query returns a list of when a specified motion sensor tag(s) or reed sensor(s) detect that a door or window was open.
History of too bright
This query returns a list of when a specified tag senses that its ambient light exceeds an upper threshold configured at light options screen inside the WirelessTag app. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of door or window is closed
This query returns a list of when a specified motion sensor tag(s) or reed sensor(s) detect that a door or window was closed.
History of KumoApp messages
This query returns a list of every time a specific KumoApp produces a log message with KumoApp.Log call with a specific type.
Actions (Then that)
Beep a tag
This Action will beep the tag. NOTE: Only compatible with the Motion Sensor Tags with buzzer.
Stop beeping a tag
This Action will stop the tag beeping. This action can also be used to test tag connectivity.
Turn on light or switch
This Action will turn on LED on the tag or a WeMo device.
Turn off light or switch
This Action will turn off LED on the tag or a WeMo device.
Arm motion sensor
This Action arms motion sensor on a tag. Regular angle based motion sensor, Reed KumoSensor and PIR KumoSensor can all be armed using this action.
Disarm motion sensor
This Action disarms motion sensor on a tag. Regular angle based motion sensor, Reed KumoSensor and PIR KumoSensor can all be disarmed using this action.
Enable temperature monitoring
This Action will enable temperature monitoring on a tag.
Disable temperature monitoring
This Action will disable temperature monitoring on a tag.
Enable humidity or moisture monitoring
This Action will enable humidity or moisture monitoring on a tag. NOTE: Only compatible with Tags with humidity or moisture sensor.
Disable humidity or moisture monitoring
This Action will disable humidity or moisture monitoring on a tag.
Run a KumoApp
This Action will start a KumoApp installed under the current user account. If the KumoApp is running, nothing will happen. If a KumoApp does not register any event handler or timer, it will automatically stop after executing the first time, allowing this action to run multiple times without user intervention.
Stop a KumoApp
This Action will stop a KumoApp. If the KumoApp is not running, nothing will happen.
Enable brightness monitoring
This Action will enable brightness/ambient light intensity monitoring on a tag. NOTE: Only compatible with Tags with ambient light sensor.
Disable brightness monitoring
This Action will disable brightness/ambient light intensity monitoring on a tag.
Update Temperature/Humidity/Lux
This action will force an update to read the current temperature, humidity and ambient light (when available).
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