If Garage Door is "Opened” Events to Google Calendar
Start today
Queries (With)
Other popular Tailwind workflows and automations
Close all garage doors at sunset
When you arrive home, open your garage door
Close the Garage Door Automatically After 10 Minutes
When you leave home, close your garage door
When your garage door closes, send you a text message
If TailWind Garage Door is "Closed” Events to Google Calendar
Turn on Porch Lights When Garage Door Opens at Night
Close all your garage doors when it starts raining
Useful Tailwind and Yelp integrations
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Search food delivery near to a location
This query returns businesses which support food delivery transactions.
History of garage door is opened
This query returns a list of when your specific garage door opens
Search for a business
This query returns business searched by a term
Door status
This query returns a status of garage door status

Search food delivery near to a location
This query returns businesses which support food delivery transactions.

History of garage door is opened
This query returns a list of when your specific garage door opens

Search for a business
This query returns business searched by a term

Door status
This query returns a status of garage door status
Actions (Then that)
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