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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Triggers (If this)
Thinga was clicked
This Trigger fires every time you click a button on Thinga.
Hot and new business
This trigger fires when a new business was created near to your location (10 km).
Data from Sensor
This trigger gets called whenever a new data set is made available by RPI.
Alarm from Sensor
Alarm trigger is raised by a source based on its
internal criteria and acts as a bridge to trigger next set of actions.
Medicine was missed
This trigger fires every time you miss to take a medicine on time
RAK was clicked
This Trigger fires every time you click a button on RAK.

Thinga was clicked
This Trigger fires every time you click a button on Thinga.

Hot and new business
This trigger fires when a new business was created near to your location (10 km).

Data from Sensor
This trigger gets called whenever a new data set is made available by RPI.

Alarm from Sensor
Alarm trigger is raised by a source based on its
internal criteria and acts as a bridge to trigger next set of actions.

Medicine was missed
This trigger fires every time you miss to take a medicine on time

RAK was clicked
This Trigger fires every time you click a button on RAK.
Queries (With)
History of medicine misses
This query returns a list of when you missed to take a medicine on time
Search food delivery near to a location
This query returns businesses which support food delivery transactions.
History of when RAK was clicked
This query returns a list of when you click a button on RAK.
Search for a business
This query returns business searched by a term
History of alarm from sensor
This query returns a list of alarm from sensor
History of Thinga was clicked
This query returns a list of when you click a button on Thinga.

History of medicine misses
This query returns a list of when you missed to take a medicine on time

Search food delivery near to a location
This query returns businesses which support food delivery transactions.

History of when RAK was clicked
This query returns a list of when you click a button on RAK.

Search for a business
This query returns business searched by a term

History of alarm from sensor
This query returns a list of alarm from sensor

History of Thinga was clicked
This query returns a list of when you click a button on Thinga.
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