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Ti-Do by T-LAB
Useful Ti-Do by T-LAB and Watts integrations
Triggers (If this)
Highest electricity price
This trigger fires when the electricity price is highest between a starting time and a finish time and for a duration specified by you.
Input trigger
This trigger fires when an input port switchs to a specific state
Lowest electricity price
This trigger fires when the electricity price is lowest between a starting time and a finish time and for a duration specified by you.
Lowest CO2 intensity in the electricity
This trigger fires when the CO2 intensity in the electricity production is lowest between a starting time and a finish time and for a duration specified by you.
Highest CO2 intensity in the electricity
This trigger fires when the CO2 intensity in the electricity production is highest between a starting time and a finish time and for a duration specified by you.
Queries (With)
History of lowest CO2 intensity in the electricity
This query returns a list of when the CO2 intensity in the electricity production was lowest between a starting time and a finishing time and for a duration specified by you.
List input and states
This query returns input state
Actions (Then that)
Actuate an output
This action will command a device to turn ON/OFF an output
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