Update weight in habit tracker
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Withings workflows and automations
Sync weight measurements to Fitbit
Turn off all your Hue lights when you step on your Scale
Record your weight measurements in an Evernote note
Text Accountability partner when weight is higher than set number
Sync weight measurements to Strava
Send weight measurements to Google Sheets
Notify slack channel of new weight and body fat percentage
If you have a new weight, then Send message
Useful Withings and World Wildlife Fund integrations
Triggers (If this)
When my yesterday's activity is logged
This Trigger fires every time your yesterday's activity is logged.
New story from the World Wildlife Fund
This trigger fires when there is a new story from the World Wildlife Fund.
When I have a new weight
This trigger fires every time you have a new weight from your Withings scale.

When my yesterday's activity is logged
This Trigger fires every time your yesterday's activity is logged.

New story from the World Wildlife Fund
This trigger fires when there is a new story from the World Wildlife Fund.

When I have a new weight
This trigger fires every time you have a new weight from your Withings scale.
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