If you've ever tried your hand at a programming project, you may have heard the term webhook or API used before. Whether you are a seasoned computer programmer or just a beginner, knowing how both APIs and webhooks work is crucial. Then, learning how to implement them in different contexts becomes easy.
In this article, we'll go over everything you'll need to know about APIs and webhooks. We'll also introduce IFTTT, our free automation platform that helps millions across the globe set up webhooks and APIs without any programming experience. Our pre-made automation (Applets) can be enabled in just a couple of minutes and can cover almost any task you'd think of using an API or webhook for.
What is an API?
APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, work by allowing different software applications to communicate with each other. They are made up of lines of code and can be programmed in a variety of different languages.
When an application wants to access a feature or data from another application, it sends a request to the API. This request specifies the operation to be performed and any necessary parameters. The request is sent to a specific URL known as an API endpoint. Each endpoint corresponds to different functionalities provided by the API.
Then, the API processes the incoming request. This involves executing the requested operation on the server, which may include querying a database or performing calculations. After processing, the API sends back a response to the calling application. This response contains the result of the operation, which could be data (like user information), a confirmation of a successful operation, or an error message if something went wrong. APIs often use various HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to define the type of operation being performed.
APIs often make many requests over a short period of time, waiting for the server to return a message. It can be thought of as ringing a doorbell over and over until someone answers. This makes using APIs heavier on servers, but the upside is that they can transmit almost real-time data.
Here are some key features of APIs:
-> They allow reading and writing access to data.
-> They can be used to perform operations on a server.
-> They provide a layer of security, hiding the application's internal details.
-> They use HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations.
Common use cases for APIs
APIs are very common in the digital world. They are used in a wide range of applications, from web development to mobile app creation. For instance, APIs are used in social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. A popular choice is the Twitter API, which the company hosts to allow users to send tweets or complete other actions without ever logging into the app.
These APIs allow third-party apps to access certain features of these platforms, such as posting updates or fetching user data. IFTTT can help you connect over 1000 of your favorite apps with an API, all in our no-code Applet builder. Below are some of our user's favorite Applet API connections.
Tweet your Instagrams as native photos on Twitter
Automatically create a Discover Weekly archive
Turn on/off your lights with one tap on your phone
Track your work hours in Google Calendar
What is a Webhook?
Webhooks are actually a subset of APIs. The term "webhook" was coined by Jeff Lindsay in 2007. Initially, they were intended to connect web services and web applications for server-to-server communication using a simple "HTTP POST" request.
Since then, they have remained popular with developers and more technical consumers as a quick way to integrate services. They are more user-friendly than APIs and are easier to get started transferring data across the internet.
Unlike an API, a webhook only activates when a certain event is triggered. The nature of GET and POST requests means that a webhook isn't always pinging the endpoint to get a response. This makes them a very lightweight solution for more simple automation. However, if you need more responsive data, then a webhook will be a worse choice.
In general, there are two ways to use webhooks, GET and POST. GET is when you're receiving information with a webhook and POST is when you're sending information with a webhook. In our Maker Webhooks service, you can do both options and customize your webhooks to do whatever you want!
Webhooks are very easy to learn and with IFTTT's Webhook service, you can connect any apps and services you want together if they have access to send or receive a webhook. Our service allows you to automatically send real-time data to other apps and smart home tools. Join IFTTT today to start using webhooks to automate your favorite things!
Common use cases for webhooks
Webhooks are easy to set up on IFTTT. We allow you to customize your own webhook without any programming experience. Below are a few examples of how IFTTT users automate with webhooks.
RSS feed to Webhook
If a webhook is triggered, get a mobile notification
Get an email when a webhook is triggered
Add a row to a Google Sheet for each web request
Differences between webhooks and APIs
While both webhooks and APIs are used for communication between applications, they have some key differences.
APIs are based on a request-response model. An application sends a request to an API and waits for a response. This is known as a "pull" mechanism because the application is pulling data from the API.
On the other hand, webhooks use a "push" mechanism. When a specific event occurs, the webhook automatically sends data to the target application. There's no need for the target application to request data; it's pushed to it in real-time. Webhooks are sometimes referred to as "reverse APIs" because they give you a way to send data from your application to others. Instead of making a request and waiting for a response like an API, webhooks send data as soon as it's available.
Here are some key differences between webhooks and APIs:
Mechanism: APIs use a pull mechanism, while webhooks use a push mechanism.
Real-time data: Webhooks provide real-time data, while APIs require polling for updates.
Complexity: APIs are generally more complex and offer more control, while webhooks are simpler and easier to set up.
Use cases: APIs are used for a wide range of tasks, while webhooks are typically used for real-time updates and automation.
How do webhooks and APIs work together?
Webhooks and APIs are often used in tandem to ensure that data and the relevant event are quickly transferred across a web service. Webhooks can be set up to trigger an API call when something changes on one side of a connection, allowing for a two-way conversation between web services and web apps. On the other hand, an API call can be used to retrieve data from web services when webhook notifications are not available.
When it comes to web development, webhooks and APIs provide developers with powerful tools for creating complex web applications that are easier to maintain. By combining webhooks and APIs, developers can create web applications that are more responsive, efficient, and streamlined.
Together, webhooks and APIs provide web developers with the tools needed to develop web apps that can easily share data and quickly take action on data updates. By understanding the benefits of webhooks and APIs and how they work together, a developer can design their app to speak to any other service on the internet.
How does IFTTT simplify programming?
At IFTTT, we believe you don't need to know how to code to get started with automation. IFTTT, available as both a free web and mobile app, works by connecting over 1000 APIs.
The basic idea behind IFTTT is to create Applets or little automation programs that trigger API calls when certain conditions are met. There are millions of public Applets created by our users on the IFTTT platform today. You can also build your own custom Applets with our easy, no-code Applet builder.
So why wait? It's free to start, so join IFTTT today!