HOT water
Popular NIBE Uplink workflows & automations
Set NIBE to home mode
Blink my Philips Hue light when an alarm is triggered on my NIBE system
Set NIBE to vacation mode
Create a ToDo note when an alarm is triggered
If Alarm occurs on NIBE, then Send a notification from the IFTTT app
Turn on Hue lights when an alarm occurs in the sytem
Change Hue lights color when an alarm occurs in the sytem
Set thermostat's temperature setting with Google Assistant
Boost ventilation with Google Assistant
Boost hot water production with Google Assistant
Set Nibe device to home mode when I arrive home
Set Nibe device to away mode when I leave home
Boost hot water production This Action will temporarily increase the hot water production in your NIBE system by turning on the temporary lux feature.
Boost ventilation This Action will temporarily boost the ventilation speed by switching to "speed 4".
Set temperature setting This Action will create a smart home thermostat in NIBE Uplink which will be used for controlling the indoor temperature for the next 7 days. If no update of the values are provided before that, the system will return to its previous settings.
Set to home mode This Action will place your system in Home mode.
Set to away mode This Action will place your system in Away mode.
Set to vacation mode This Action will place your system in Vacation mode.