'Cooking ideas' Pinterest to 'Recipes' Evernote
mrl17’s Applets
Create link notes in Evernote from Feedly articles saved for later
Keep a diary of what you do!
Log completed 'Far off' Reminders in Evernote
Log Completed TAing iOS Reminders in Evernote
If you post a link on Facebook this Recipe will also tweet it automatically
Log New iOS Reminders in Evernote
Record all your tweets in Evernote!
Send links I post on Facebook to Evernote
Save a favorited item in Pocket to Evernote
Save favorite tweets to Evernote
Add a new contact & this will append to a note in Evernote
Upload new iOS Photos to Google Drive
Save FB Tagged Photos in Google Drive
Save all the photos that I upload on Facebook to Google Drive
Backup my contacts to a Google Spreadsheet