This action will upload a file to your Verizon Cloud account and add it to an album. (If the album does not exist it will be created)
- API endpoint slug
- verizon_cloud.file_upload
- Filter code method
- VerizonCloud.fileUpload.skip(string?: reason)
- Runtime method
- runAction("verizon_cloud.file_upload", {})
Action fields
- Label
- File name
- Helper text
- Name of File
- Slug
- file_name
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- true
- Filter code method
- VerizonCloud.fileUpload.setFile Name(string: file_name)
- Label
- File URL
- Slug
- file_url
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- true
- Filter code method
- VerizonCloud.fileUpload.setFile Url(string: file_url)
- Label
- Folder Path
- Slug
- folder_path
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- true
- Filter code method
- VerizonCloud.fileUpload.setFolder Path(string: folder_path)
- Label
- Album Name
- Slug
- playlist_name
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- true
- Filter code method
- VerizonCloud.fileUpload.setPlaylist Name(string: playlist_name)