Log Tempest data to Google Sheets


Log data every 1minute to Google Sheets file. Columns = Timestamp, AirTemp, Humidity, Pressure, WindAvg, WindDir, WindLull, WindGust, Rain, UV, Brightness, SolarRadiation, LightningStrikeCount, HeatIndex, DewPoint, WetBulbTemperature, DeltaT, AirDensity, TimestampEpoch, StationName


Tempest Weather System  icon
New observation

This Trigger fires every time your WeatherFlow Tempest Station has a new observation.


Google Sheets icon
Add row to spreadsheet

This action will add a single row to the bottom of the first worksheet of a spreadsheet you specify. Note: a new spreadsheet is created after 2000 rows.

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Discover more time saving integrations for Tempest Weather System and Google Sheets