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Other popular 2Smart Cloud workflows and automations
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Connect Aqara wireless double rocker switch with 2Smart Cloud switch device
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If turn off one device then turn off another
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If turn on one device then turn off another
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Useful 2Smart Cloud and Raindrop.io integrations
Triggers (If this)
Turned on
This trigger fires when the selected sensor is enabled.
New item
This trigger fires when any new item is added to Raindrop.io
This trigger fires when the state of the selected sensor is reversed.
New highlight
This trigger fires when any new highlight is added to Raindrop.io
Turned off
This trigger fires when the selected sensor is disabled.
Item moved to collection
This trigger fires when you move an item to the collection you specify
Enum value changed
This trigger fires when the value of the selected enum sensor is changed.
New item tagged
This trigger fires when you tag an item with a specific tag in Raindrop.io
Color value changed
This trigger fires when the color value of the selected sensor is changed.
New favorite item
This trigger fires when you favorite an item in Raindrop.io
Set any value for string or numeric sensor
This trigger fires when value of the selected sensor is changed.
New item by type
This trigger fires when article, image, video or document (you specify) has been added to Raindrop.io
Set specific value for digital and string sensors
This trigger fires when the value of the selected string or numeric sensor is changed to specific
New broken link
This trigger fires when a link becomes broken in Raindrop.io
Set conditional value
This trigger fires when numeric sensor is changed to conditional value.
New permanent copy
This trigger fires when an item has a permanent copy in Raindrop.io
Status changed
This trigger fires when the device status changes.
New file
This trigger fires when you upload a file to Raindrop.io
Status online
This trigger fires when the device comes online.
Status offline
This trigger fires when the device goes offline.
Queries (With)
Query items
This query returns a list of items from Raindrop.io
List sensors and values
This query returns a list of user devices sensors and their values
Query highlights
This query returns a list of highlights from Raindrop.io
Actions (Then that)
This action will disable the selected sensor.
Create a new bookmark
This action will create a new bookmark
This action will switch the state of the sensor to the opposite.
This action will enable the selected sensor.
Setting enum value
This action will allow choosing a value of the enum type sensor.
Setting color value
This action will allow choosing a color for the sensor.
Setting string value
This action will allow setting a value of the string type sensor.
Setting numeric value
This action will allow setting a value of the numeric type sensor.
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