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Popular Feedly and Raindrop.io workflows and automations
Save Feedly "Read Laters" to Raindrop.io
Useful Feedly and Raindrop.io integrations
Triggers (If this)
New item
This trigger fires when any new item is added to Raindrop.io
New article saved for later
This trigger fires every time a new article is added to your Saved For Later queue.
New highlight
This trigger fires when any new highlight is added to Raindrop.io
New prioritized article
This trigger fires when an article is prioritized by Leo
Item moved to collection
This trigger fires when you move an item to the collection you specify
New article in board
This trigger fires when an article is added to the selected personal or team board
New item tagged
This trigger fires when you tag an item with a specific tag in Raindrop.io
New popular article from category
This trigger fires every time a new popular article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
New favorite item
This trigger fires when you favorite an item in Raindrop.io
New note
This trigger fires when you (or a team member) add a note to an article in Feedly.
New item by type
This trigger fires when article, image, video or document (you specify) has been added to Raindrop.io
New highlight
This trigger fires when you (or a team member) highlight text in an article.
New broken link
This trigger fires when a link becomes broken in Raindrop.io
New article from category
This trigger fires every time a new article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
New permanent copy
This trigger fires when an item has a permanent copy in Raindrop.io
New source added
This trigger fires every time you add any new source to Feedly.
New file
This trigger fires when you upload a file to Raindrop.io
Queries (With)
History of sources added
This query returns a list of every time you add any new source to Feedly.
Query items
This query returns a list of items from Raindrop.io
History of articles in board
This query returns a list of when an article is added to the selected personal or team board
Query highlights
This query returns a list of highlights from Raindrop.io
History of articles from category
This query returns a list of every time a new article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
History of articles saved for later
This query returns a list of every time a new article is added to your Saved For Later queue.
History of popular articles from category
This query returns a list of every time a new popular article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
History of prioritized articles
This query returns a list of when an article is prioritized by Leo
History of highlights
This query returns a list of when you (or a team member) highlight text in an article.
History of notes
This query returns a list of when you (or a team member) add a note to an article in Feedly.
Actions (Then that)
Save an article for later
This action will add a new article URL to your Saved For Later queue.
Create a new bookmark
This action will create a new bookmark
Add an article to a personal board
This action will add an article to the selected personal board
Add an article to a team board
This action will add an article to the selected team board (requires a Feedly Teams subscription)
Add a new source
This action will attempt to add a new source from a feed or page URL.
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