Campainha Cozinha
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Alexa Actions by mkZense workflows and automations
If temperature drops below 33°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-Below-Frz action to your Alexa device
If temperature rises above 32°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-AboveFrz action to your Alexa device
Miele Wärmelade An
Smart Lock and Voice Control
say "Ok Google, activer la machine à café", then send IFTTTriggercaf action to your Alexa device
If you enter an area after sunset, then run an Alexa routine
If Notification received from aPagerPRO, then send IFTTTrigger-1 action to your Alexa device
Play new Lex Fridman Podcasts on Alexa through Mkzense
Useful Alexa Actions by mkZense and Anyware Services integrations
Triggers (If this)
Temperature drops below threshold
This trigger fires when temperature drops below the specified value
Temperature rises above threshold
This trigger fires when temperature rises above the specified value
Intrusion detected
This trigger fires when adaptors detect intrusion
Energy Saving Mode is activated
This trigger fires when the Energy Saving Mode Scene is activated

Temperature drops below threshold
This trigger fires when temperature drops below the specified value

Temperature rises above threshold
This trigger fires when temperature rises above the specified value

Intrusion detected
This trigger fires when adaptors detect intrusion

Energy Saving Mode is activated
This trigger fires when the Energy Saving Mode Scene is activated
Queries (With)
History of temperature drops below a specified value.
This query returns a list of recent times the termperature dropped below a specified value. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Energy Saving Mode activations
This query returns a list of when the Energy Saving Mode Scene was activated
History of when temperature rose above a threshold
This query returns a list of when temperature rises above the specified value Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of temperature drops below a specified value.
This query returns a list of recent times the termperature dropped below a specified value. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of Energy Saving Mode activations
This query returns a list of when the Energy Saving Mode Scene was activated

History of when temperature rose above a threshold
This query returns a list of when temperature rises above the specified value Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
Actions (Then that)
Set light level
This action will set light for all registered adaptors
This service from mkZense will send an action to run a routine on your Alexa device. Use it to add Voice to your Applet.
Stop Intrusion Alert
This action will stop Intrusion Alert for all adaptors
Set adaptor's light level
This action will set light for the specified adaptor

Set light level
This action will set light for all registered adaptors

This service from mkZense will send an action to run a routine on your Alexa device. Use it to add Voice to your Applet.

Stop Intrusion Alert
This action will stop Intrusion Alert for all adaptors

Set adaptor's light level
This action will set light for the specified adaptor
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