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LinkJapan eHome
HolaBrain AC (formerly Dollin Smart AC)
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular LinkJapan eHome workflows and automations
Change mode on your LinkJapan device with the press of a button
LinkJapan eHome
Turn on LinkJapan device with Google Assistant
LinkJapan eHome
Track when your LinkJapan device is turned on in a Google Sheet
LinkJapan eHome
Turn on your LinkJapan device when your BroadLink Switch it turned on
LinkJapan eHome
Turn on your LinkJapan device when the sun rises
LinkJapan eHome
Turn your LinkJapan device on or off when an event from your Google Calendar starts
LinkJapan eHome
Turn on your LinkJapan device when the sun sets
LinkJapan eHome
"Turn on LinkJapan device" with Alexa
LinkJapan eHome
Useful LinkJapan eHome and HolaBrain AC (formerly Dollin Smart AC) integrations
Triggers (If this)
Device turns on or off
This trigger fires when a device turns on or off
Actions (Then that)
Turn device on or off
This action will turn a device on or off
Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.
Change mode
This action will control the mode of your device
Set fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).
Set temperature
This action control the temperature of your device
Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.
Set windspeed
This action will control the windspeed of your device
Turn on/off windSwingUD
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner
Set channel
This action will control the channel of your TV
Turn on/off windSwingLR
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner
Adjust volume
This action adjust the volume of your device
Set temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.
Mute adjustment
This action adjust your device to mute or unmute
Turn on/off ECO
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO.
Adjust channel
This action can adjust your TV/STB to the previous or next
Adjust brightness
This will adjust the brightness of the light configured under your eRemote mini/eRemote
This action can control your TV/STB to play
Fast Forward
This action can control your TV/STB to fast forward
This action can control your TV/STB to rewind
This action can control your TV/STB to pause
This action can control your TV/STB to resume
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