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Midea Air Dehumidifier
Button widget
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Other popular Midea Air Dehumidifier workflows and automations
Turn on AC with Siri
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Press a button to turn on your air conditioner
Midea Air Dehumidifier
If temp drops below 25 degrees Celsius, turn off the AC
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Turn on Dehumidifier using HomeKit
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Every day at midday, dehumidify
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Use Shortcuts to turn on the AC
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Press a button to turn off your air conditioner
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Use Google Assistant to turn on your dehumidifier
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Use Google Assistant to turn on your air conditioner
Midea Air Dehumidifier
Useful Midea Air Dehumidifier and Button widget integrations
Triggers (If this)
Button press
This trigger fires every time you press the button.
Actions (Then that)
Turn on/off the dehumidifier
This ACTION will turn on/off the dehumidifier.
Select the Humidity setpoint
This ACTION sets the dehumidifier to a designated humidity level between 35-85%.
Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the dehumidifier to the designated operating mode.
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