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Other popular SAFE By HUB6 workflows and automations
Send you text message when your home is secured
Secure your home at a scheduled time
Secure your home with Alexa
Use SMS to secure your home
Secure your home when leaving
Useful SAFE By HUB6 and Facebook integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new post by you in area
This Trigger fires every time you post on Facebook at a location you specify.
Status changed
This trigger fires when Safe by HUB6 has status update.
New status message by you
This Trigger fires every time you create a new plain text status message on Facebook.
New status message by you with hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you create a new plain text status message on Facebook with a specific hashtag.
New link post by you
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post on Facebook.
New link post by you with hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post on Facebook with a specific hashtag.
New photo post by you
This Trigger fires every time you post a new photo on Facebook.
New photo post by you with hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you post a new photo on Facebook with a specific hashtag.
New photo post by you in area
This Trigger fires every time you post a new public photo on Facebook at a location you specify.
You are tagged in a photo
This Trigger fires every time you are tagged you in a new photo. NOTE: Facebook privacy settings may block IFTTT’s access to some photos you are tagged in.
Your profile changes
A Trigger that monitors changes in your Facebook profile information. It works with these Facebook profile fields: Name, Profile picture, Location, Website, and Bio.
Queries (With)
List posts
This query returns Facebook posts on a user's timeline.
History of status changes
This query returns a list of when Safe by HUB6 status updated.
List Albums
This query returns list of user's albums.
List Album Photos
This query returns photos for specific album id, use List Albums query to find Id.
History of Your profile changes
A query that returns a list of recent Facebook profile changes. It works with these Facebook profile fields: Name, Profile picture, Location, Website, and Bio.
History of photo posts by you with hashtag
This query returns a list of every time you post a new photo on Facebook with a specific hashtag.
History of link posts by you
This query returns a list of every time you create a new link post on Facebook.
History of photos post by you
This query returns a list of every time you post a new photo on Facebook.
History of status messages by you
This query returns a list of every time you create a new plain text status message on Facebook.
History of when you were tagged in a photo
This query returns a list of times when you were tagged you in a new photo. NOTE: Facebook privacy settings may block IFTTT’s access to some photos you are tagged in.
History of status messages by you with hashtag
This query returns a list of every time you create a new plain text status message on Facebook with a specific hashtag.
History of photo posts by you in area
This query returns a list of every time you post a new public photo on Facebook at a location you specify.
History of posts by you in area
This query returns a list of every time you post on Facebook at a location you specify.
History of link posts by you with hashtag
This query returns a list of every time you create a new link post on Facebook with a specific hashtag.
Actions (Then that)
Secure your home
This action will secure your home by arming your SAFEBYHUB6.
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