Connect Facebook to Google Sheets and unlock powerful automations

Popular Facebook and Google Sheets workflows and automations

Useful Facebook and Google Sheets integrations

Triggers (If this)

Queries (With)

Facebook and Google Sheets resources

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

Twitch is one of the most popular services on IFTTT. Automate your Twitch today!

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity

Explore the differences between scheduling tasks and automating scheduled tasks. IFTTT is here to help you discover what tasks should be scheduled instead of automated, as well as step-by-step instructions for automating scheduling tasks...

How an IFTTTer is automating their project management

How an IFTTTer is automating their project management

IFTTT can now help teams and businesses alike automate their project management. Click to learn more!

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow

the 25 best IFTTT Applets

How to connect your first Applet

How to connect your first Applet

Learn how to connect your first automation, called an Applet, on IFTTT. There are two easy ways to create Applets and integrate your favorite services. Find an Applet in our vast library or make your own custom Applet in a few quick and ...

The best SMS marketing software in 2025

The best SMS marketing software in 2025

The best SMS marketing software in 2025.

How to make your Twitter account private in 5 easy steps

How to make your Twitter account private in 5 easy steps

Twitter is a great way to share your thoughts and connect with people around the world, but sometimes you may want more privacy. A private Twitter account means that only approved followers can see your tweets. This can be helpful if you...

Introducing our new service: Threads

Introducing our new service: Threads

Introducing our newest service, Threads! Now you can connect Threads to 1000 services on IFTTT. Automate your social posting, archive your Threads, or use AI to post to Threads! Click to learn more.

How an IFTTTer (us) automates their LinkedIn

How an IFTTTer (us) automates their LinkedIn

IFTTT can now help creators and businesses automate their LinkedIn. Click to learn more!

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together