Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Smitch workflows and automations
Upload image to Dropbox when a motion is detected
Turn on motion detection when you are not home
Turn off motion detection when you are back home
Turn off motion detection at specific time of the day
Smitch change bulb color at prayer time
Smitch scene at prayer time
Turn on your camera at specific time of the day
Turn on motion detection at specific time of the day
Useful Smitch and iSpy Agent integrations
Triggers (If this)
Motion detected
This trigger fires when motion is detected on the selected camera.
A sound detected
This trigger fires when a sound is detected
This trigger fires when an alert is raised by the selected device.
A motion detected
This trigger fires when a motion detected
Sound detected
This trigger fires when sound is detected on the selected microphone

Motion detected
This trigger fires when motion is detected on the selected camera.

A sound detected
This trigger fires when a sound is detected

This trigger fires when an alert is raised by the selected device.

A motion detected
This trigger fires when a motion detected

Sound detected
This trigger fires when sound is detected on the selected microphone
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Turn on motion detection
This action will turn on motion detection
Take a photo
This action will make the selected camera take a photo.
Turn off motion detection
This action will turn off motion detection
Enable a device
This action will enable (switch on) the selected device.
Turn on sound detection
This action will turn on sound detection
Disable detection
This action will disable motion detection on cameras or sound detection on microphones.
Turn off sound detection
This action will turn off sound detection
Enable detection
This action will enable motion detection on cameras or sound detection on microphones.
Turn on object tracking
This action will turn on object tracking
Disable a device
This action will disable the selected device.
Turn off object tracking
This action will turn off object tracking
Trigger an alert on the selected device.
Turn on SD card save
This action will turn on SD card save
Arm a device
Arm the selected device (switch alerts on).
Turn off SD card save
This action will turn off SD card save
Disarm a device
Disarm the selected device (switch alerts off).
Turn on mic
This action will turn on mic
Arm server
This action will arm the master alerts switch on Agent DVR.
Turn off mic
This action will turn off mic
Set profile
This action will apply the specified profile (home, away or night).
Turn on human detection
This action will turn on human detection
Disarm server
This action will disarm the master alerts on Agent DVR.
Turn off human detection
This action will turn off human detection
Run a command
This action will execute a command on the computer running Agent DVR.
Turn on night vision
This action will turn on night vision
Turn off night vision
This action will turn off night vision
Set night vision to auto mode
This action will ser night vision to auto mode
Turn off camera
This action will turn off camera
Turn on camera
This action will turn on camera
Turn on device
This action will turn on device
Turn off device
This action will turn off device
Turn on all home devices
This action will turn on all the Smitch Home devices (bulbs, plugs and power strips)
Turn off all home devices
This action will turn off all the Smitch Home devices (bulbs, plugs and power strips)
Turn on scenes
This action will turn on scenes
Change bulb colour
This action will change colour of the bulb
Change bulb effect
This action will change effects of the bulb
Turn off all effects
This action will turn off all effects of the bulb

Turn on motion detection
This action will turn on motion detection

Take a photo
This action will make the selected camera take a photo.

Turn off motion detection
This action will turn off motion detection

Enable a device
This action will enable (switch on) the selected device.

Turn on sound detection
This action will turn on sound detection

Disable detection
This action will disable motion detection on cameras or sound detection on microphones.

Turn off sound detection
This action will turn off sound detection

Enable detection
This action will enable motion detection on cameras or sound detection on microphones.

Turn on object tracking
This action will turn on object tracking

Disable a device
This action will disable the selected device.

Turn off object tracking
This action will turn off object tracking

Trigger an alert on the selected device.

Turn on SD card save
This action will turn on SD card save

Arm a device
Arm the selected device (switch alerts on).

Turn off SD card save
This action will turn off SD card save

Disarm a device
Disarm the selected device (switch alerts off).

Turn on mic
This action will turn on mic

Arm server
This action will arm the master alerts switch on Agent DVR.

Turn off mic
This action will turn off mic

Set profile
This action will apply the specified profile (home, away or night).

Turn on human detection
This action will turn on human detection

Disarm server
This action will disarm the master alerts on Agent DVR.

Turn off human detection
This action will turn off human detection

Run a command
This action will execute a command on the computer running Agent DVR.

Turn on night vision
This action will turn on night vision

Turn off night vision
This action will turn off night vision

Set night vision to auto mode
This action will ser night vision to auto mode

Turn off camera
This action will turn off camera

Turn on camera
This action will turn on camera

Turn on device
This action will turn on device

Turn off device
This action will turn off device

Turn on all home devices
This action will turn on all the Smitch Home devices (bulbs, plugs and power strips)

Turn off all home devices
This action will turn off all the Smitch Home devices (bulbs, plugs and power strips)

Turn on scenes
This action will turn on scenes

Change bulb colour
This action will change colour of the bulb

Change bulb effect
This action will change effects of the bulb

Turn off all effects
This action will turn off all effects of the bulb
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