If a feed value hits the threshold, send an IF notification.
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Adafruit workflows and automations
New Tasks Adafruit IO
If you enter an area, send the status to your tracking feed.
If any new data is sent, email me.
Animate NeoPixels with red and green colors when it's Christmas.
Dump Water Gauge
MQTT to email and Andriod SMS
Turn on lights from a SMS message.
Store Battery Info in Adafruit
Useful Adafruit and Consider This Podcast integrations
Triggers (If this)
Monitor a feed on Adafruit IO
This Trigger fires anytime it validates the data that you send to your feed. Example: If Feed Temperature > 80, fire Trigger.
New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "Consider This" Podcast
Any new data
This Trigger fires any time there is new data in your feed.

Monitor a feed on Adafruit IO
This Trigger fires anytime it validates the data that you send to your feed. Example: If Feed Temperature > 80, fire Trigger.

New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "Consider This" Podcast

Any new data
This Trigger fires any time there is new data in your feed.
Queries (With)
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