If android battery is low, then send data to Battery feed
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Adafruit workflows and automations
Dump Water Gauge
Turn on lights from a SMS message.
New Tasks Adafruit IO
Turn on Power
Feed Copier. Copy one feed to another.
Sunset Lighting
get temperature
Alexa baby_tracker
Useful Adafruit and Google Assistant integrations
Triggers (If this)
Monitor a feed on Adafruit IO
This Trigger fires anytime it validates the data that you send to your feed. Example: If Feed Temperature > 80, fire Trigger.
Activate scene
This Trigger activates a named scene when you say "Ok Google, activate [Scene Name]".
Any new data
This Trigger fires any time there is new data in your feed.

Monitor a feed on Adafruit IO
This Trigger fires anytime it validates the data that you send to your feed. Example: If Feed Temperature > 80, fire Trigger.

Activate scene
This Trigger activates a named scene when you say "Ok Google, activate [Scene Name]".

Any new data
This Trigger fires any time there is new data in your feed.
Queries (With)
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