Alexa baby_tracker
Start today
Queries (With)
Other popular Adafruit workflows and automations
New Tasks Adafruit IO
Feed Copier. Copy one feed to another.
Turn on lights from a SMS message.
If a feed value limit is reached, email me the details.
If you enter an area, send the status to your tracking feed.
Send Tweet to Feed When Mentioned
Sunset Lighting
Turn on Power
Useful Adafruit and Neo Smart Blinds integrations
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
History of data
This query returns a list of any time there is new data in your feed.
List Smart Controllers
This query returns Smart Controllers' information associated with that account
History of a feed on Adafruit IO
This query returns a list of events when you sent data to your feed. Example: If Feed Temperature > 80

History of data
This query returns a list of any time there is new data in your feed.

List Smart Controllers
This query returns Smart Controllers' information associated with that account

History of a feed on Adafruit IO
This query returns a list of events when you sent data to your feed. Example: If Feed Temperature > 80
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