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Agile Octopus
eWeLink Smart Home
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular Agile Octopus workflows and automations
Control my Ecobee using Octopus Agile rates
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If Octopus Agile electricity price is high turn my Hue lights red
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Email me when Octopus Agile electricity consumption for the week is high
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If Octopus Agile electricity price is high turn off my Smart Life devices
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Populate my Google Sheet when Octopus Agile prices are published
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Play the Octopus Spotify Playlist over my Sonos
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When energy prices fall, change set temperature of Midea AC.
SmartHome AC
When energy prices fall, change set speed of Midea Humidifier.
SmartHome Humidifier
Plant a tree when Octopus Agile energy consumption is high
Useful Agile Octopus and eWeLink Smart Home integrations
Triggers (If this)
4-Channel Plug turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support 4-Channel Plug is turned on or off.
Energy price change
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity price falls or rises past your set threshold and between your preferred time settings.
3-Channel Plug turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support 3-Channel Plug is turned on or off.
Energy export price change
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity export price falls or rises past your set threshold and between your preferred time settings.
2-Channel Plug turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink 2-Channel Plug is turned on or off.
Energy price threshold change for duration
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity price stays above (or below) your set threshold for a minimum length of time in 30-minute blocks.
1-Channel Plug turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support 1-Channel Plug is turned on or off.
Energy price lowest for duration
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity price is at the lowest and for a set duration (such as an hour) and between your preferred time settings.
4-Channel Switch turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support 4-Channel Switch is turned on or off.
Energy consumption
Use this trigger to fire something when you have consumed a set amount of electricity (measured in kWh) in a period.
3-Channel Switch turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink 3-Channel Switch is turned on or off.
Energy export
Use this trigger to fire something when you have exported a set amount of electricity (measured in kWh) in a period.
2-Channel Switch turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support 2-Channel Switch is turned on or off.
Carbon intensity lowest
Use this Trigger to do something when the carbon intensity is at its lowest and between your preferred time settings.
1-Channel Switch turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support 1-Channel Switch is turned on or off.
Carbon intensity highest
Use this Trigger to do something when the carbon intensity is at its highest and between your preferred time settings.
Smart Dimmer turned on or off
This trigger fires when your eWeLink Support Smart Dimmer is turned on or off.
Carbon intensity change
Use this trigger to fire something when carbon intensity falls or rises past your set threshold and between your preferred time settings.
Brightness is above
This trigger fires when the brightness of selected dimmer is above threshold.
Carbon intensity threshold change for duration
Use this trigger to fire something when carbon intensity stays above (or below) your set threshold for a minimum length of time in 30-minute blocks.
Brightness is below
This trigger fires when the brightness of selected dimmer is below threshold.
Energy prices published
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity prices for the day ahead are published.
Door sensor is open or closed
This trigger fires when the state of selected door sensor is open or closed.
Energy prices published threshold
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity prices for the day ahead are published and are below your set threshold.
Temperature goes above or below
This trigger fires when the temperature of selected device goes above or below threshold.
Energy half hour price published
Use this trigger to fire something when electricity price for each half hour period for the day ahead is published.
Humidity goes above or below
This trigger fires when the humidity of selected device goes above or below threshold.
Energy export price highest for duration
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity export price is at the highest and for a set duration (such as an hour) and between your preferred time settings.
Voltage goes above or below
This trigger fires when the voltage of selected device is above or below threshold.
Energy export prices published
Use this trigger to fire something when your electricity export prices for the day ahead are published.
Electric current goes above or below
This trigger fires when the electric current of the selected device goes above or below threshold.
Energy export half hour price published
Use this trigger to fire something when electricity export price for each half hour period for the day ahead is published.
Light turned on or off
This trigger fires when your light is turned on or off.
Light brightness goes above or below
This trigger fires when your light brightness goes above or below.
FanLight turned on or off
This trigger fires when the fan or the light of your FanLight is turned on or off
RF Bridge Alarm activated
This trigger fires when an alarm of your RF Bridge is activated.
When Camera detects a motion event
This Trigger fires every time the camera detects a motion event.
Low Water Level of Diffuser
This trigger fires when the water level of a diffuser is low.
Zigbee Motion Sensor
This trigger fires when motion is detected or no motion is detected from Zigbee motion sensor.
Leak detected
This trigger fires when leak is detected from water leak sensor.
Zigbee door sensor is open or closed
This trigger fires when the status of a Zigbee door sensor is open or closed.
Zigbee Wireless Switch Pressed
This trigger fires when Zigbee Wireless Switch is pressed, double pressed, or long pressed.
Electric curtain is open or closed
This trigger fires when the selected electric curtain is open or closed.
Enabled/disabled Child Lock of Thermostat
This trigger fires when the child lock status changes (enabled/disabled).
Thermostat Mode changes
This trigger fires when the thermostat mode changes.
Thermostat turned on or off
This trigger fires when the thermostat turns on or off
Color temperature(CT) of light appearances warm or cool
This trigger fires when your light’s color temperature of light apperances warm or cool white.
Light turns to a specified colour
This trigger fires when your lights to a specified colour .
Scene Controller pressed
This Trigger fires every time your eWeLink Scene Controller is pressed.
Button Pressed
This Trigger fires every time your eWeLink Button is pressed.
Device/Group is turned on or off
This Trigger fires when the device/group is turn on or off
Various AQIs goes above or below
This trigger fires when the AQIs of selected devicegoes above or below threshold
Queries (With)
History of published Energy prices
This query returns a list of daily published energy prices/
Current power state
This query returns the on/off state of the device you choose.
History of Energy price threshold alerts
This query returns a list of alerts when your electricity price crossed your set threshold between your preferred time settings. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Energy export price changes
Use this query to fire something when your electricity export price fell or rose past your set threshold and between your preferred time settings. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of energy export
This query returns a list of when you have exported a set amount of electricity (measured in kWh) in a period.
History of energy price lowest for duration
This query returns a list of when energy price was at the lowest and for a set duration (such as an hour) and between your preferred time settings.
History of energy price threshold change for duration
This query returns a list of when energy price threshold changes for set duration. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of energy half hour pricing published
This query returns a list of when electricity price for each half hour period for the day was published.
History of carbon intensity changes
This query returns a list of when carbon intensity fell or rose past your set threshold and between your preferred time settings. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
Actions (Then that)
Turn 4-Channel Plug on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support 4-Channel Plug on or off.
Turn 3-Channel Plug on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support 3-Channel Plug on or off.
Turn 2-Channel Plug on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink 2-Channel Plug on or off.
Turn 1-Channel Plug on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support 1-Channel Plug on or off.
Turn 4-Channel Switch on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink 4-Channel Switch on or off.
Turn 3-Channel Switch on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support 3-Channel Switch on or off.
Turn 2-Channel Switch on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support 2-Channel Switch on or off.
Turn 1-Channel Switch on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support 1-Channel Switch on or off.
Turn Smart Dimmer on or off
This action will turn your eWeLink Support smart dimmer on or off.
Set brightness for Smart Dimmer
This action will set brightness for selected eWeLink Support smart dimmer .
Set color for light
This action will set a color for selected light.
Set color temperature for light
This action will set a color temperature for selected light.
Set brightness for light
This action will set the brightness for selected light .
Turn on or off light
This action will turn your light on or off.
Press Remote Button on RF Bridge
This action will press selected remote button on your RF Bridge.
Control FanLight
This action will turn on or turn off the fan or the light of your fanlight.
Open or close electric curtain
This action will open or close your electric curtain.
Turn on or turn off diffuser
This action will turn your diffuser on or off.
Set percentage of electric curtain
This action will open selected curtain to the percentage you set.
Enable/disable the Child Lock of Thermostat
This action will enable or disable the child lock.
Change Thermostat Mode
This action will change the thermostat mode (Manual/Program).
Turn on or off Thermostat
This action will turn your eWeLink Thermostat on or off.
Fanlight on-off and speed setting
This action will set the light on/off or the fan speed of fanlight.
Camera makes alarm
This Action will makes the camera sound an alarm.
Set temperature
This action will set to a target temperature
Turn on or off device/group
This action will turn your device/group turn on or off
Camera Action
This will cause the camera to perform the action you selected.
Make device sound an alarm or beep
This action will set the device to sound an alarm or beep.
Set the security mode
This action will set to a security mode or disarm.
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